What the heck happened to split screen? No more in-car view and no other cars on the track, how is there such a massive downgrade from Forza 4 on last gen consoles? Or I’m completely missing something, how do I turn on AI cars?
Side note, I can’t figured out how to turn on inverted Y axis for Forzavista, would be another stupid thing to be missing.
I don’t believe that there is an option to invert the Y-Axis for Forza Vista.
As for the AI in free play there is a list to change car, start race, and one of those is options. You can select the AI there - it’s also the same place you choose a track I believe???
The map is not rotating, even when you configure it in the settings. This is really not helpful, when you are very used to it :((
It should be not too difficult to add this, so I keep my fingers crossed that T10 adds it in near future.
The reason I’m not buying this game is that there are no timing features in split screen. No lap times, no post-race summary. It baffles me that they apparently made a conscious choice not to include these basic features, especially considering Forza 4 had them.
There are quite a few things in the game that seem like they were a last minute copy paste job from FM5, that barely worked in FM5. This is one of those things. Hard to believe they could make it less functional than FM5, but they managed to do it. This and the drag mode are probably the worst examples. They could make their OK game a great game(it absolutely has the potential to be great), but I seriously doubt they care enough to do it. All indicators point to a total lack of care and attention to even huge details.
“Is it finished? No. Meh, ship it anyway, we’ll still make millions” ← the sort of conversation I imagine that goes on between execs and devs at virtually every major game studio nowadays.
I would like to play this game with friends. I mean real people, who are sitting right next to me. OK, this game has the option to use the Splitscreen, but i want to see the race after it’s finished. So, why isn’t there a Replay Option?
So most of the time when my friends are around and we are in the mood to do some racing i start GT6.
By the way, thanks a lot for the Caddy and the Volvo. Great choice!
Turn10 needs to add the ability to race with 22 AI drivers and be able to race at night and in the rain. The Xbone is powerful enough to handle this, they’re just not adding these features because Microsoft wants people to buy Gold so they can get a few more million a year. I thought they would put the players before money, but I shouldn’t have expected anything different.
If that were the case and the Xbox could handle it then we would already have the option of night and rain together in career and multiplayer. Your argument has nothing to do with splitscreen