Speed cameras

Just wondering if these top speeds can be on the leader board if done with other players, the fastest ive hit is 273 on the freeway. Some of these records are like 279 mph, were they drafting with other cars? And i have trued fully upgraded and tunes alfa 33, nissan gtr, etc.

Just wondering

It’s probably a safe bet that they were drafting friends in multiplayer. I know that was the case with the highway speed traps back in Horizon 1.

I haven’t found (or heard about) a car or tune that can exceed 273 on its own either, so they must be.

Pretty clever!

Yes, drafting more than likely…

Hi every one playing horizon 2 I’ve made a dent in the speed traps But I cant find one, or two (speed zone and speed traps) according to the progress page 1 says 14 of 15 but when I look on the map all the cameras show my personal best speeds is there a hidden speed camera ? Ive spent a lot of time driving through every camera zone on the map any help would be welcome.

The cameras listed on your map IN GAME are only the ones you discovered during Free Roam OR Bucket Lists.

Others, like you drive by them, during a Career Roadtrip or Career Race, are NOT listed on your map and as such won’t count towards your discovery. There are several other topics about this with links/URL’s to YT-videos and static JPG-images that show ALL cameras in the game.

You need to find the ones from that and compare them to your in-game map.

Thanks for the infomation. I will keep driving the roads and will find them all 8)

The trickiest two seem to be the one in downtown Nice near the Festival Hub and the one on the far West of the map in Montellino on a little dirt path near the races available in the demo.

My Altima can reach to 274 with no draft. I have 8 first places on xbox 1, 7 traps and 1 zone. Anything past 274 is a draft or have figured out a way to hit the traps. I have reached almost 276mph on 2 traps in sisteron