I am hoping to purchase a Fanatec setup in the indeterminate future. I am specifically looking at the CSL Wheel Stand and the Clubsport Pedals (Version 2). I am currently undecided on what wheel to get. I am on the fence on whether I should get the Forza Motorsport CSR or the Porsche 911 GT2. However I have some questions about Fanatec as a company:
Just how reliable are their products over the long-term?
If a fault does occur, how is their customer-service and RMA process for overseas customers?
I have had my Fanatec CSR wheel for two years and had the thumbwheel break and Fanatec sent me a complete rim within days NO CHARGE I have not had any issues I love the wheel and when the Xbox one wheel comes out Fanatec says that I will be able to use my pedals for new wheel and get special pricing!! For being a return customer. How can you not like that Jammer
Fanatec products are great. THe only complaint I have about them is their communication is really poor - close to non-existent when it comes to the next gen consoles so Ibought a Thrustmaster as well! Not had to use their customer support yet - my CSR wheel has been totally reliable so far and I absolutely love it!
I will keep your points in mind in the future. Thanks for the replies! 
I have had my Fanatec CSR wheel for two years and had the thumbwheel break and Fanatec sent me a complete rim within days NO CHARGE I have not had any issues I love the wheel and when the Xbox one wheel comes out Fanatec says that I will be able to use my pedals for new wheel and get special pricing!! For being a return customer. How can you not like that Jammer
Fanatec told you that they are working on an XBone wheel? if so, any indication when it will be available?