Some issues I've come across

Thank you T10 for delivering a fantastic product; as always, you have quite nicely outdone yourself!

However, a few minor glitches came to my attention:

  • The Evo 10 reports a zero horsepower/KW increase when upgrading from the stock turbo kit. As a result, it does not even touch 400 KW.
  • One of the cars I was driving the other day (don’t recall, will check again) had the driver just gliding his/her hand over the shifter and giving it a nudge as opposed to proper movements for upshift/downshifts
  • There are texture pop ups on several tracks when viewing replays. For instance, at Spa night when you’re on the straight, the paddock lights would all go off for no reason. At Watkin Glens there is a section when you’re going between fences and the texture loads/changes on the fence as the camera angle changes. Same with Silverstone as you’re going under one of the overhead passes. There are several other tracks where you would see detail pop in/out when the replay cam angle changes. To get a better idea of this, think FM3; it used to happen on the full Sebring track around the main straight.
  • This may not be a bug but during pre-race when your car is rolling towards the starting grid, the game stutters briefly. Also, in over 100 races that I’ve taken part in, I noticed on at least 4-5 occasions where the game experienced a hiccup during racing (similar to micro stutter from FM5), but only on the first lap. Are these normal? I thought they were resolved in FM6. I experienced them on Bathrust, Long Beach, Indianapolis and maybe Road America as well, not sure. Overall, I am very impressed how the console handles 24 cars with weather and night, splendid job! Anyway, it’s a non-issue I think, though none of these rare stutters were present in the X360 Forza games.

Thanks again for a stellar product. Great job on replicating some of the engine sounds, however, I felt some were a step back. Plus, it would be nice to get volume sliders to turn ambient sounds down a bit, and put more focus on the engine/exhaust sounds. More pronounced sounds after engine upgrades and the upgraded exhaust tip showing up would have been nice. Well… can’t have it all! :slight_smile: