[SOLVED] No in-game sound since may content update

I just updated FM5 with may content update

But there is a major issue: I did not have any in-game sound anymore. I tried to start a race in career,rival and quick race > same result. Also in “my cars” there is no voice discribing my car anymore

I did a cold restart of the Xbox One and same result
I just have sound in game start screen (turn 10 logo). I also have sound outside of the game and in other games.

Am I the only one?
What would you recommand?

I have a championship race on friday and it will take me lot of time if I want to resintall FM5


hi all,
Problem is resolved as I did a full FM5 reinstall (it took me 3 days to download the 10go data updates)

Really? What is your download speed?

i switched from TV sound to cinema-sound and voila fixed.

I hooked up a cheap set of pc speakers logitech (80 bucks) that is 3 speakers. 1 sub and 2 speakers beside my tv. I can hear everything now even at low volume.

A cold start usually solves problems like this

I did lot of restarts (with power suppply connected) and there was no change.

“i switched from TV sound to cinema-sound and voila fixed”
I did not try this but my others games were working fine.