I’ve run into some problems trying to run this game. When I start the game, I get the error AP301, incompatible graphics driver. I can bypass this error by holding ‘Page up’ when pressing quit.
Then, when the game is starting up, I get a error message sounding something like: “PC doesn’t meet minimum requirements.”, or something like that. It doesn’t let me read it before the game quits to desktop.
The only thing i can think of, is that your primary card (Intel® HD Graphics 3000) is selected, instead of your Nvidia one. This can be changed in the BIOS / Intel / Nvidia settings.
Also make sure you have the latest graphics card drivers, windowsupdates and the latest Windows 10 build 1511 - Version 10586.
This game also have issues with dual-screen setup. so if you have that, try running it with 1 monitor.
In the Geforce Experience control panel you can check if your drivers are up to date, something it claimed my drivers was. I’ve now realised this function is rubbish, 'cause my drivers were older than the pyramids.
Now, after downloading the latest drivers from Nvidia’s webpage, the game runs perfect on my computer.
I got the incompatible graphics driver at first too. I have an R9-270X and I was running the 16.3.2 Crimson driver. I updated to the latest 16.5.1 that was stated to have APEX support and all was well then.
Mine did the same thing, I tried a couple more times and it started still with the page up key though. Now it starts everytime with the pageup key., but no sound.
Making sure the graphics driver is updated to the very latest version is a good idea. For other people looking for where to get the latest drivers, check these other helpful links below. Thank you for letting us know that updating your drivers worked for you.