So whats your drift tune

so im looking to see how people prefer their drift tunes. do you use crazy negative camber? are you a “weirdo” running positive camber? tell us about how you run everything from tires to your differential and why you feel this is the best tune for you. be sure to include what if any assists do you use.

i personally run every one of my cars like this…

F. 30.0
R. 26.0
-I run my rears a little softer to compensate for the negative camber i run in the rear. i feel having that little extra grip to pull me back in when i need it really helps.

this typically depends on the car im using and what i have done to it so if you have any questions on gearing for a specific car feel free to post them below and ill help you out if need be.

F. -2.5
R. -1.5
-If you dont understand camber or what it does ill break it down short and simple. typically with 0* of camber, your wheels are straight up and down. negative brings the tops of the wheels in where as positive brings the tops of the wheels out. keep in mind when doing this, you are also taking away contact area from the tires. now when you go around a turn with 0* of camber your wheels go positive. what adjusting your camber will do is ensure you have proper tire contact. each person is different and prefers their setup a different way. if you havent played around with your camber yet try it out. start maybe with the setup i use or a setup you see below. one of them should feel right to you and if not, play around with it a little bit. make minor tweaks and see how that effects your driving style.

-Quick break down on toe. essentially what it toes is points your tires in or out, sort of like camber does only it is the horizontal adjustment in the leading edges of the wheels instead of the vertical direction of the wheels. i run my drift cars like this for 2 reasons. first reason being maximum angle. i feel that with toe out like this, i am able to get far more sideways, and still bring it back with much more control with my cars like this. secondly, when chaining a series of turns together, like Fujimi for example, i find it easier to hold a drift at a consistent angle for longer and still come out straight when necessary.

-i find less body roll to be far more predictable.

-for me, i find it to be more predictable. some will disagree and thats fine.

-no real reason for this other than aesthetics. when starting out you may want to just leave it alone so you dont get hung up on rumble strips, but as you get more comfortable, set it up how you like.



-i just like a stiff ride.

-if i use any aero i max it out for cornering


F. 65%
-i do this mostly to shift weight for momentum to get through real tight turns and so that if i use my brakes it wont lock my back wheels up.


  • i leave this alone. some people prefer them more sensitive than others. i never touch it. maybe somebody here can give me a good reason to.


  • predictability. i know that im getting 100% power to the wheels.


as far as assists go, i dont use any. everything is off, manual with clutch, the only thing i have that may be considered as an assist is normal steering, though i do my career races with simulation steering.

that being said, WHATS YOUR DRIFT TUNE LIKE?

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haha, 75 views, 0 replies! what gives? has nobody got a drift car they have tuned them selves?

Having 100% diff is pretty bad unless youre running more than 700hp, if you are thats pretty sad. Having the right amount of wheelspin gives you maximum grip and with 100% accel diff with a 700hp or less car is going to overspin the tires and make all that power useless. Just a little tip so you dont go 30mph on every turn you do.

thanks for the heads up dude! ive played around with my tunes a lot and have often liked it at 100% over anything else. i deffinatly understand what youre saying but, i have never had a problem with being too slow, as i am usually the one to wait in back while everyone goes a head and i still usually pass everyone. but ill do some more tweaking as far as the diff goes and let you know what i come up with.

Thanks for sharing Slimpickins! I am new to gaming (first ever game console Xbox and first game FM5) and have yet to do any deliberate drifting. The last couple of months I have just focused on learning the game itself, made one design, and tuned (not drifting) several vehicles, plus starting to learn the tracks and use of controller. However, I have seen many videos on YouTube of what folks can do with their drifting skills and it’s amazing. I want to give it a try for fun.

As far as drift tuning, I will follow your suggestions above. Are there any other drifting tuning guides that you can suggest? Again, thank you!

sorry for the late response relaxed as i seem to have fallen off the face of the earth. my xbox disc traybroke and i have been waiting nearly a month for the part to come in the mail so i can fix it. as far as recommended tuning guides, ive got none. i would say either go off what i have posted above and make the subtle tweaks you see fit, or buy tuning setups off the marketplace though often times theyre garbage. i would buy off someone reputable and known for their tunes. i myself sell my tunes in my storefront. i have about 20 different drift tunes for specific cars and tracks. the description tells their pros and cons but all have been dialed in to perfection for their specific track and purpose. some are better for high speed, where as others are awesome 200hp touge killers. and as always, i am probably the only person on the storefront that will refund you if you are not 100% satisfied with the tunes you purchase. though i still have yet to receive a single request for a refund and have sold around 500+ tunes. i also sell several different over fenders / wide body fenders and even rag top conversions. hope this helps. happy drifting bud!

i know its been months, but back to what you mentioned hudge, i have played around with my diff settings, and i still prefer it at 100%. im not sure if its just in my head or what, but taking what i know from drifting in real life and applying it to the game just makes sense to me, and i prefer a locked diff.