So I saw something cool last night...

Maybe you guys have seen this before but I haven’t. I was watching Twitch last night and this guy (sorry, cannot remember his name and forgot to follow) was racing in the X-Class lobby. Anyway, he wrecked a guy and you could tell it was not intentional. Rather than drive off on his merry way and act as if nothing happened he stopped next to the car he wrecked and waited for him to get straightened out and get going again. He clearly was waiting for the guy to start again. Thought it was very cool! Just when i thought I had lost all hope for Lobby Racing!

PS. He then went on to go from 12th to 1st in about a lap and a half.


I’ve had it happen to me, and if I’ve taken someone out I’ll let them get back in front of and continue racing. Not really a big deal IMO.


There is a lot of respectful racers/drifters out there, thumbs up to guys like this, thumbs down to the trolls!


It’s standard etiquette and is practiced in most (maybe e ery) racing leagues. …To bad everyone doesn’t do that though.

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A few times I have made a mistake and knocked someone off, or at least gained a position unfairly. So I wait, or at least slow down on the next straight, so they can pass and regain their position (even if it means I lose a number of places). The surprising thing is, even if you call the mistake out loud, the person who you are letting back past then decides to just ram you and we both end up losing more positions…

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If I accidently take someone out and its a bit nasty i’ll always let them through, I know there are people who wreck people out intentionally but I hate those guys or gals that just drive straight through your car, so annoying

I have always done this and it is the right thing to do.

We actually have that as one of our club rules…

Rulle #3:
Mistakes will happen, and we all know it. If you make contact with someone and seriously disrupt/spin/PITT/crash them, the polite thing to do is to slow down, wait for them to catch up, and get in the position behind them. If they tell you it’s OK and not to wait, it’s fine to carry on and not give your position to others that weren’t involved. (Does not apply to playground style games - tag, cat-n-mouse, etc.).

What I reckon we should all do in forza 5 online is give room to other drivers. For example if there is someone else behind that is a much better driver and/ or faster. Give them some room and let them go by. Otherwise if you try and cut him off the whole race he/she will get desperate to overtake the person and eventually cause so massive accident. Does anyone agree??

As a long time R/C car racer it is common practice to wait if you wreck someone while racing closely. I will do the same thing while racing online and I’m glad that others are doing it as well.