So did turn 10 tell mods to lock any bad feedback about FM5? Thats just pathetic....

So if someone has something negative to say you just lock the thread? whats to point of this forum then? why do you have wishlist stickys if you don’t even listen to the community. Turn 10 is just getting lazy I think. The game is getting more and more disappointing every DLC released. Thanks for wasting my money (Season Pass owner) and not even attempting to get fans what they want. You better have free tracks coming or it will just confirm you guys are only trying to take peoples money.



Its one thing to provide feedback and another to just rant without even forming a decent argument…


The reality is that people are upset and this is feedback. There have been cars posted in the wishlist thread OVER AND OVER for the last 3 Forzas that haven’t made it. then we get a bunch of old cars we got for free in previous games. If that sounds fair to you then you are a pure fanboy. The carpack should be full of fan favorite cars and new models. not a bunch of car that are barely noteworthy like how cares about a Z8 bmw really?


Yeah it sucks, but they have already stated they put quality over quantity. If the cars or tracks did not meet their standards it was not put in the game.

Lets not forget they are not COD…they do not put out a game every fall raking in insane money…buying the game and a season pass is what? A little less than 2 forzas? For a two year investment basically? Don’t really mind. But I understand that I am the minority with this side of the argument.

I’m liking the additional optional content that’s being added each month.

Also, tracks don’t get scanned for free, so don’t expect to get them for free.

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tell me more how fujimi kaido or maple valley can be scanned… lol


They don’t need to be scanned, silly. Ah, but you are trying to be witty, yeah?

Well, FM5 is a whole new engine, so I assume that it takes quite a bit of effort to renovate old, outdated models and code to the new engine. That doesn’t come free either.


From the 14 tracks we already have two fictional tracks, imagine we would have 15 with four fictional ones, and one real-world track less, can you imagine all the hatepost and whining complaints if they would have done so?
I would rather take one real track than two fictional, dont get me wrong I loved maple valley and even fujimi kaido (although not my favorite) but I would rather have bathurst, spa or yas marina than those two,
and if they add them later on it would be cool of course

Aside from the very poorly formed arguments, rants and just those who obviously haven’t paid any attention to announcements, the mods are here to keep order on the forums, this means they don’t want 50 threads with the same crap in them - one thread with 50 well reasoned posts is far better and more likely to get T10s attention as well and not create more work for the (volunteer) mods.


Threads that voice the “same complaints” found in other threads get locked.

Interestingly, threads filled with positive remarks are rarely locked, even when they’re unnecessary.

I understand that criticism would reach spam-like levels if it went unchecked, but the bias shown is unnerving. I saw people criticize FM4 and Horizon, and it was never like this.

The fact of the matter is, there wouldn’t be so many complaints if something wasn’t wrong.


Damn right. Can’t agree more.

There is a difference between “feedback” and being an unpleasant individual, usually the inclusion of harsh and abrasive words or being written in a condescending nature.

To be honest, if I were Turn10- I would have told mods to lock any thread complaining. It is outrageous how many complaints there have been.

And to be honestly honest, threads like this are pathetic.

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You haven’t seen anything…you should see the EA Sports forums for Fifa. Althought the threads are very worthy because the gameplay is awful.

They get locked because all it is, like this thread, is flamebait. And flooding of the forum of threads like these , is not constructive to a good forum environment.

well the main reasons I’ve heard from ppl if and when i go and play fm5, which is a rare thing now as I’m so bored of it, is ppl are sick of the lack of content. we paid a lot of money for this game, some more than others, expecting to get their moneys worth, and so far T10 have delivered hd quality visuals with atari quantity. if that. sure quality is great, but i don’t know about you, but some could go out and spend all there time designing a game that has just one level in it. it doesn’t freaking matter how good that level is if it doesn’t have more to it. and thats exactly what has happened to this game, dirty drivers and cheaters aside.

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With Atari quantity?

People should look at car and track counts in games like NFS Shift / Shift 2, GRID / GRID 2, Racepro and any other racing game on an xbox xonsole.



There’s a big difference between suggesting improvements and sniveling. As an example, some of us would like longer career races, and my suggestion has been to, in the future, have an option to adjust race distance so all players are happy whether they like shorter or longer races. This is in contrast to starting a topic with a three-paragraph rant about it being ridiculous having two-lap races, filled with plenty of insults and suggestions that the developers have no idea what they are doing or something along those lines. You can provide constructive criticism or you can cry and complain; the former is better than the latter.

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I suspect it is a 50/50 proposition for mods. Half the posts in ranting threads are attacks which aren’t constructive. The other half are stupid counter-attacks that serve no positive purpose at all. From what I have seen threads only get locked because people misbehave and say the kind of thing that would get them punched in the mouth in the real world. Give the mods a break.

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