I’m sure we all applaud Horizon 2 in its efforts to encourage not only fast drivers but drivers with skill also, however skill should not be to the detriment of true competitive driving as it is now. The point I believe of any competitive racing is to finish first over the line anything else makes the game redundant so Horizon 2 please tell me what is the point of us taking part when we can win a race by miles through fast competitive racing only to see a driver who has not even attempted to race but instead has remained at the back of the field drifting every corner and by doing this wins the event on the leader board. This makes a mockery surely of what any racing games final aim is and that is to come first when that is not the case the game can no longer claim to be a car racing game but instead becomes a mockery. As I said I have nothing against skill I hope that when I race I am fast. competitive and skilful and I would hope anybody that races against me would be the same and would be above me on the leader board for those same reasons so how about first place 10,000 xp, second place 8,000 and third place 6,000 with every other racer who crosses the finish line gaining 5,000 xp plus whatever skill points each racer accumulates during the race. Now true racer are being rewarded for doing what the game should truly be about and the tail end drifters will have to actually cross the finish line to be competitive now surely that would be a better way to encourage drivers of all types to actually compete and surely it would not be to difficult for this to be achieved through an update in the near future I would be grateful to hear from other racers to see if they agree or not. Thanks in anticipation.
Paragraphs please.
I race to win, always have and always will.
I don’t care if I win the xp leaderboard.
I have my own leaderboard in my head. If a roadtrip has 3 races and I won them all then I won on my leaderboard. Couldn’t care less about the in game leaderboard. I mean the game does not keep track of online roadtrips won does it?
Totally agree with this I always race to win also, even though I do most of my racing in Forza games offline. Only played Horzion 2 online for a couple of hours so far and the experience has been pretty good better then my experience with Forza 5 online which has a ton of dirty drivers.
You read my mind. I race to win, I could care less about the XP board.
I agree with both sides, actually.
Like SatNiteEduardo, I tend to focus on winning events, XP be damned.
That being said, one DOES get a very strange sense of wrongitude; beat the field by 10+ seconds, 4 races in a row, and end up 3rd place in the championship. RIIIIGHT…
This IZ racink gäme, da?
It’s been said before, but “clean racing” bonus and finish position XP should be worth FAR more than they are, and hoonery on the drive to the next race should be worth far less. That, or give players TWO roadtrip options: skill-based vs Skillz
I think it may have been done to try and give the slower drivers something else to do other than taking out the faster drivers.
Has it worked? Probably not but it may have been part of the motivation to design it that way.
Its a horrible system, its even worse than forza 5s places 1-3 get gold, yet another way to reward mediocrity.
Awfully long paragraph to state what can easily be boiled down to:
"I don’t like the design of the gameplay.’
I agree in not liking the overall structure.
But I’ve learned to let that go. The leader board is all screwy considering only maybe 3 or 4 racers will stay in for an entire road trip anyways, and the difference between each place is 2k credits. That’s pretty worthless when it boils down to it, especially for the time investment. You could do offline races and make that money up stupid quick.
I could care less someone is getting some additional skill points or even the top places on the leader board. I’m there to win the race. Especially when the things that count towards my stats are races won and average position rather than overall ranking at the end of the road trip.
I usually win the races and do skill stuff in between races. You have to get in first and rack up the clean race skill points to make the most of xp during races. Usually works out just fine for me when i win 75% of the races.
The solution to your problem DJDemonic13, i think, is to simply emphasize the experience leaderboard less. It doesn’t have to be important or any kind of indication of your success or performance. You should know well enough yourself how you drove, if it was up to your perceived standard, if it was noticeably better or worse than the competition, and if you won or lost and by what margin. To me, those are the kind of things I think about in a road trip lobby. Not the experience leaderboard.
And to put my opinion in perspective I’ll state that I am a racer, I have skill hud turned off (except for certain bucket list challenges) and I don’t knowingly try to increase my skill experience at any point.
How about “encourages participation” rather than “rewards mediocrity”? And more to the point, isn’t winning a race rewarding in itself, regardless of placement on an exp leaderboard?
I think by buying a game and playing it you are participating. I just don’t think it’s right to make someone believe they’re doing well when they’re not. This is a problem in the real world too where they give kids trophies for “participating” instead of the just the winners. There is a lot to be learned from losing, the most important is how can you get better, i don’t see people learning to get better at anything this way. Forza is a racing game, the whole point of a race is to win, not skid back and forth and hit a few signs to get points. I know why they made it this way i just don’t agree with it. This doesn’t encourage anything but taking advantage of a bad points system to come in first.
I sit in the racers lobby although I do agree with encouraging participation… sitting on the fence maybe but then again I haven’t played FH2 or F5 for a couple of months because they don’t “make” me want to play. I’m not sure what the solution is but there must be a way of keeping the racers who don’t care about anything but winning (fairly usually I think ?) happy whilst at the same time rewarding the “mediocrity” enough to continue to play. There must be something right because I will come back for a dabble on the expansion no doubt - 50% for a VIP starts to pay me back for my loyalty
1st place racing lbs > 1st place hooning lbs
I agree with rewarding your finishing positions with extra xp, or possibly have xp dwindle down a fixed percentage for every spot you finish below first. You should also need to finish the race to keep any xp you accumulate while hanging out in the back. Losing a road trip when you win 3 races and the winner doesn’t finish a single one and gets lapped in 2 of the races is ridiculous.
The race begins, twelve cars fight for position through turn one. The leader emerges and sails to victory. The points standings flash on the screen, the winner of the session is…wait for it…Some guy who you never saw during the race!!! Really? The ‘‘drifter’’ actually turned off the track to let the others pass. Clears the path for his amazingly slow but profitable performance. Then he brags about how he’s winning the championship. Go figure. Seems T10 should have a championship for drifting and another for racing. Let the drifters drift and the racers race. I spent alot of time learning how NOT to drift. But I’m beaten by a guy who slides around the track in the rear. Somethin’ aint right. Souped Up was there earlier when several ‘‘drifters’’ were lapped in a four lap sprint. It just aint right…Charles
I appreciate everybody who responded to my post and it would seem most are not bothered either way with the others coming down most firmly on the side of the true racer so we can only hope there are enough future posts on this problem so the powers that be at least take notice. Until then I will race to win and if the opportunity arises I will even have the occasional drift so once again folks I thank you and hope to see you in the lobbies real soon. Cheers.
Just a thought:
Finishing podium places should have XP multipliers. Any placing less than that should have fractional multipliers.
For example if you come 4th you get 100% XP, all the way down to last gets 50%. If you don’t finish you get nothing!
This would be a much fairer and more balanced system towards race winners earning new cars.
Agreed, since you dont get to see what tracks (only the type) you’re about to race I pick any random car, whereas in FH1 I had certain cars tailored for tracks. But anyhow its nice winning a race in a car I thought would be rubbish for it
Coming first is great! But drifting and coming in the top 3 for me is more joyful.