Hi everyone,
I’m new to the community, let me give a short introduction. Being born in the 80s, I grew up playing NFS 3 and after that pretty much lost interest in gaming. Being a petrolhead, in my early 20s I bought a PS2 with TDU and played that for a bit, and then quit gaming again. Now that I have a kid myself I bought him an XBOX One with Lego Worlds, and when he said he wanted a race game I downloaded the FH4 demo. I really liked the open world and was amazed at today’s graphics (yes I’m old) and decided to buy the game. I got pretty much all the cars I wanted in FH4, so now I bought FH5 too and will get FH2 later since I hear good things about that iteration.
Anyway, I just started playing and I got the LFA as a gifted car. So I was driving down the highway at night time in the game, from the right of the map back to the festival, and I was doing like 300 kph uphill, and then downhill so the speed increased to 330 kph or so. I think I overtook someone or maybe I was just driving for a long stretch, but an accolade popped up and I heard that guy say “Woo! Initial D fans, let me hear it!” I saw the X, but for some reason I pushed rewind, and the X disappeared, and being unfamiliar with accolades, I was mostly confused. Then I googled the phrase and read the reports of this phrase popping up when you get the Trueno Drifting Acccolade/Easter Egg. No where do I see any mention of anything else that triggers it, especially when driving the Lexus LFA. So does anyone know what happened? I mean, overtaking someone downhill at night is pretty Initial D, but other than that I don’t know what exactly happened.
By the way, I hear gifting newbies cars and credit is a thing, so if someone is feeling generous, I will gladly be the grateful recepient! I don’t race online/multiplayer, so if that is a limiting factor then I’m out of luck.
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Welcome, I hope you will have fun
I know nothing about accolades, so can’t help here.
Gifting is not connected with racing in multiplayer, but it is random, so there is high chance you won’t get anything/much.
You can try to sell cars in auction house. There was a common thing with selling 2008 M3s, but I don’t know if that is still happening.
You can also just play the game, it is pretty generous. Well, at least if you play without driving aids and on higher AI difficulty.
Why? No game pass?
No Game Pass, no XBOX Live, I’m oldskool, I buy the disc and play single player. Never got into online multiplayer games, just wanna drive around and have some fun, look at beautiful cars.
We can’t be sure that any spoken message on getting an accolade is definitely related to the accolade you got. I have done all accolades and can’t remember the specifics of many of them, I’m afraid.
That stated, I’ll make an apparently-unrelated statement. I have subtitles turned on.
From time to time I get a message when doing something. Thing is, the spoken words and text do not match each other and neither of them match whatever I was just doing.
The idea is, I think, some of the accolades make the other Horizon people say something.
It’s highly unlikely to be that Trueno accolade (25 ultimate drift skills in that car) so it’s probably the bug I just described.
If you go to the menu (burger button on controller) then on the “campaign” tab go right to accolades. Scroll around in there, it’ll show you what you have done (it’ll be gold).
You probably got something for getting an Ultimate Speed skill or maybe a Near Miss.
Hope that helps, even if it is a bit long!
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Yes I was thinking it might be some kind of accolade glitch, and I tried identifying which accolade it was in the menu, but nothing was apparent, besides I think it might have gotten cancelled because I rewinded.
Either way, it was interesting to hear a rare phrase in a seemingly random way.
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not likely to have been cancelled - I’d like to say I’ll have a look at the accolades and see which one I think it is but there are a few too many for that, probably had to be there at the time
something I always forget to do is “record what happened” on the xbox, it’ll show the messages
not anything to worry about (he says with fingers crossed) as you can just see which accolades you don’t have yet and then just have another go
So it is only the skill points, or whatever they are called in FH5, that are cancelled when you crash or rewind, but not the actual accolades?
I tried to replicate it by driving up and down the highway some more, even at night time, but nothing happened. I don’t actually care that much, I just thought it was funny, since I have zero chance of actually getting that phrase, since I suck at drifting, and I’m not into chasing accolades. To be honest I find FH5 a bit overwhelming size and event wise, and I also prefer the colors and lighting on FH4. In FH5 the colors are too bright and the cars are way too shiny. The car sounds have improved, but mostly for V8s, so overall I’m not too impressed by FH5, though obviously it’s a great game that they put a lot of effort into. The physics seem a bit more arcade to me, and the cars are more pivoting on a needle than turning by tire grip. That’s my initial impressions anyway. I think in the long run I will spend more time in FH4, and I am looking forward to trying FH2 (once I find a disc).
yes, skill points vanish on a rewind as before
accolades are kind-of the H5 version of global influence in H4, you get some prizes for doing some of them but otherwise there’s no value in the accolade points
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There’s a random glitch in the game where when you do something you’ll get some totally unrelated dialogue that’s meant for the completion of something else like a mission.
If you’re new to the game you’ll get accolades popping when you’ve done something that’s on the accolade list.
Apparently so, and there’s another glitch where dialogue gets repeated during an expedition.
Yeah, a bunch of random voice lines will play during unrelated events, including when completing daily Forzathon tasks. I had the Initial D one pop up a week or two ago too.
Unless you want to hunt for a specific festival playlist/exclusive car from the auction house, you dont really need credits. The cars on the autoshow are mostly affordable. And if they aren’t you could always buy them for cheap at the auction house.
Autoshow cars will mostly sell for less credits at the auction. But there’s always here and there a car that’s overprised, so you gotta watch out for it.
If you’re a premium user/VIP you get like 3 or 4 free super wheelspins + everytime you level up in the game you get a wheelspin which = cash. You’ll probably end up with a lot more money in FH5 than in you did back in FH4 for the same amount of effort or less. So money is something you should not really worry about. Also cars are being thrown at you a lot faster in FH5 compared to 4, so you’ll likely not even need to spend many credits.
Still If you want to make some easy cash, once you reach the hall of fame, you’ll unlock the festival playlist. Earn the first car for 20 points , which is usually the newly added one. Then sell it on the auction house a week later for 20 million credits,which is the maximum that you can ask for. The car will likely sell in seconds, and it takes you like 30 minutes to earn it.
As of currently i have about 250 hours into FH4 and few months ago i opened up the game and i still had cars that i never purchased or earned through wheelspins. In FH5 you’ll probably have 90 % of the autoshow cars within the first 50 hours of playing.
Yes, I seem to be gaining cars faster in FH5, but I’m not actually interested in getting all the cars I have in FH4. A lot of the exhaust sounds have become unbearable, ranging from “Pringles can attached” to full-on “chainsaw felling a tree”. Granted some engine sounds weren’t all that realistic in FH4 (though a lot of them sounded better inside the car), but at least they weren’t grating my ears. They even ruined the LFA! I am pretty put off by it. And as I said before, the cars look like they are gloss PPF’d and then ceramic coated, which is not a look I love. I’m probably gonna sell (or at least abandon) FH5 soon and give FH2 a try.
I suffered through it today to get the MX-5 RF, but I’m not motivated at all to get my favorite cars like I did in FH4.
Fh5 is definitely not all shine and glare but car sounds is one area with a massive leap compared to the previous game. But i do get what you mean. You’ll find a lot of players here alike who arent as thrilled with the game.
Yes, and then there’s the thing where all the cars now sound like clunky sequential boxes when shifting, as if I’m playing Colin McRae Rally 2.0. Maybe not as extreme, but every shift sounds like a Ken Block video. And almost every car turned into a drift car (to keep up with NFS?). I feel like FH4 was also catering to car people (with actual driver’s licenses), and FH5 is catering to a new generation of car gamers who are mostly too young to drive real cars. And that it was made by 20-somethings that state their pronouns on their twitter account, and thought I would like to choose pronouns for my avatar.
Despite all my complaints, I am very impressed by the size and scope of FH5, it is just not my cup of tea.
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