Shinobu F40 Design (anime design)

So… after just making vinylgroups i finally desided to make a design

So here is my first design. It’s a Ferrari F40 with the base livery from the 1995 LM racecar version, with Oshino Shinobu as mascot (from the anime Bakemonogatari)
I also have sponsors and logos that relates to this anime.

Took me a week of intense designing with a total of 8550 layers(ish)

BTW i don’t know if this belongs here or in the racing paint booth but i’ll just move this post there if i have too.

Search for gamertag: Eric Myra




](Twitter pic 2 | Eric Myhr Colocasidis | Flickr)](Twitter pic 3 | Eric Myhr Colocasidis | Flickr)](Twitter pic 4 | Eric Myhr Colocasidis | Flickr)


nice work mate!

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Very nice work!