Shifting - Freeplay/career vs testing

Hi guys.

I am hoping that someone will be able to shed some light on this “issue” that I am having while playing career or free play game and when I am testing a car using “Testing” menu (below free play).
When looking at telemetry I can clearly see that clutch is at 100% quite longer when in career/free play mode. I tried automatic shifting and manual (without clutch). But even when I was playing with clutch it made no difference. It was stuck at 100% position way longer than on test mode.

Is his supposed to be like that? What is going on :smiley:

PS: I did not change/tune gearing btw. All stock settings. Identical car to my knowledge when in free play and when in test mode.

Ah… figured it out. The difference between the driving modes are MODS. And i had a dare mod installed - Shift time increased by 0.75s… Never use mods again :smiley: After removing it, it’s fine.

Stupid, really.