[SGC_] STANMAN911's Horizon 2 Gallery: WIP, RedBull Dodge RAM Stadium Truck pg.4

I have paints available for both versions of Horizon 2, XB1 and 360, with the 360 paints beginning on pg 4. Read info in my posts to see if the paint is available on XB1 or 360.

Hello once again guys! Most of you know me, some may not. I’ve been painting replica race/street paints since FM1. I usually keep things rather simple, I don’t get into body mods using gradients all to much. I love working with metallics though!

I decided to start off Horizon 2 with a simple paint other than the SR-71 GT500 I wanted to start with. Oh well gotta start over again somewhere right?
My Horizon 2 paints will mostly consist of street paints and rally paints. I’ll save the race paints for FM5.

So here it is “Slingshot” C7, or as some know it better the Corvette from Transformers Age of Extinction. I have to play with the colors a bit and I wanna add some subtle Autobot logos aswell. Enjoy! It’ll be shared soon!

looking nice so far mate, and i am a massive transformers fan so can’t wait to see the finishing move

Personally I was hoping for the Chevy Sonic to be in Horizon to recreate that pure awesomeness of the Rally Car the kid was driving, in the new Transformers.

Slingshot has been shared!

Here’s another simple paint. I will be adding a custom plate then sharing. I will also take requests for certain color combinations (black is Carbon FIber). It’s the Lexus LFA AD-X:

@STANMAN911, these all look awesome. I am dying to get my hands on the GT86 Concept, I need that paint :slight_smile:

Quick question though, would you be willing to remove the custom plates on the LFA and the Exige V6 Cup…I hate to ask but plates bug me. (I know, Im weird.)

Thanks and keep up the good work :slight_smile: I’m loving it all thus far.

it looks nice mate, on forza 5 it would not look rite but on this with the street style it fits in just well

Thanks for the kind words on the LFA Dose!

I am pleased to bring to the sharefront my latest. I originally painted it in FM3 then transferred it to FM4, then completely re-made it in FH1, the Nismo R-34. It may look simple to the untrained eye, but there’s no layer cover up on the stripes, allowing for the use of metallic base paints! Now my stripes are a little more curved than regular Nismo stripes to follow the contour of the body but it looks fantastic. Also I’ve added little things here and there to spruce it up a little bit such as Nismo decal/stripes on the spoiler, Nismo decals in the side stripes, etc. Its available in all base colors so just ask! I will also have the blue version with gold wheels shared soon! Thanks! Search my GT, [SGC_], or Nismo to find!


Adding that Skyline to my purchase list!! Love it!

EDIT - was excited to post about the pic didn’t even read the extra love you gave the design. Kudos man, the little details make it a better design. Keep up the good work!

Your paints always turn out awesome Stan, keep it up!

RR- Thanks for your interest! I love adding small details to replica paints. One reason is to make it personal and the other is stickers always make things go faster!

Alfa- thanks man! I’m patiently waiting for your gallery, as it certainly was impressive in FM4! PM sent.

I will be picking up your slingshot C7 when it is done!

Some great work mate think im going to have to get the c7

All my paints featured here are now shared. Here’s some pics of the blue Nismo R34:

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Nice job with all of these so far! I really like the Blue Nismo R34. I gave that one a download as soon as I saw it! Keep up the good work.

Good man! Needed a decent paint for the R34

Nismo 34, what a beauty! One question though, would you be able to put it on a silver R34? I need this!

@ Ace- Thanks for compliment! I wasn’t sure I liked the blue but now its probably not coming off.
@ AB- Glad I could fill the void on your naked R34!
@ Skreamies- No problem I’ll get that silver one up asap!

Now for my latest, the Lotus Exige V6 Cup. I painted it on FM5 along with the V6 Cup R which I’ll also do soon. Yet again the spoiler was glitch in the same way, major layer distortion. Also there’s the little spec on the rear bumper that shows through to the base color, same as FM5.

Looks nice mate. Good work.

Yes!!! Looks like you have the same philosophy when it comes to painting in this game, simple STREET cars, not RACE cars.

the nismo skyline is nice!! so it the lotus. great work dude