FH2 - Montellino Fort Street Race - A Class - 3rd to 9th January
FH2 - Sisteron Citadel Circuit - D Class - 3rd to 9th January
FH2 SI - Forest Trail Country Circuit - C Class - 3rd to 9th January
FH2 Storm Island
FH2 - SI - C Class - Farm Trail Brawl - Ends 31st December
Past Events/Winners
D19-27: FH2 - Saint-Martin Grande Sprint - B Class - Winner is HandheldBee9 With a time of 02:04.659
D24-31: FH2 - San Giovanni Old Town Sprint - D Class - Ends 31st December - Winner is HandheldBee9 With a time of 02:40.663
D24-31: FH2 - Montellino Coast Rush Street Race - S1 Class - Ends 31st December - Winner is HandheldBee9 With a time of 02:02.791
D24-31: FH2 - Montellino South Scramble - B Class - Ends 31st December - Winner is HandheldBee9 With a time of 01:00.737
Just a reminder everyone. Anyone can sign up up for our events all you have to do is post your GT here and send me a friend request on xbl. Or you can all so post your position and time here were we can easily verified it.