Servers Down Post!!

At the risk of stating the obvious (servers are down), i would just like to ask what is going on with forza 5 online gameplay, pretty much allday yesterday from what i could tell. Up until around 10pm servers were down, and even then if you were disconnected, you suffered error messages trying to get back online.
Now today for as long as i can make out all day the servers have been down, be it a MS cloud server issue, or a T10 issue…

I would like to know whats being done about this, pretty much a full weekend blown on server down time, probably one of the most important times of the week for the game to be working and functioning propperly (weekend wise).
As the world and his wife are usually off work, school etc etc, and if game times a natural go to for weekend chill out thats been blown, if your a Forza fan (just saying).


Where’s the need for another thread on this?

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are the servers down ?? never realised , mines is okay , rivals has been temperarly disabled , for some unknown reason tho

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I can get neither MP or rivals and thats been like it since yesterday until about 10pm UK time, where i spent maybe an hour before losing my rag to wreckers. And now today to my knowledge all day servers have been down, thus the question what’s being done about it ?

Because unlike just complaining about them being down, there was a direct question that i wished to be answered, and that was what was being done about the issue ?

I’ll take a stab at the answer… Nothing is being done. Tomorrow the servers won’t be getting hit by thousands of extra players (in case you didn’t know, the game is free to anyone with Gold this weekend) and the issues should be resolved. But who knows… They already fixed the achievement issue so maybe they’re working on it…

EDIT: oh and try getting online again. It’s working fine for me now.

I understand that was an issue for yesterday, but that does not explain why its still doing the same thing now, from what i read and could gather…

They were working on the issue yesterday, and once i was able to get on at 10pm ish i thought the issue was resolved, apparently not, so the question still remains.

Whats being done about it, and with that why has it still not been resolved if they know what the problem is…


Also just exited the game restarted it and double checked…

Rivals server & MP still claim for me that…

The Forza Motorsports 5 server is not available at this time, please try again later.

Thank you for putting the effort into composing your thread & asking a direct question to Turn 10. Yes, there’s been other threads about this issue…BUT… who cares…it’s a BIG DEAL!

Thanks again for the effort…hopefully you’ll either get a response from Turn 10 or the servers will soon come back online. It does look like I’m able to get on Multiplayer now.

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Was playing offline got online again just to get this again …

Multiplayer and Rivals are down/not working for me, so I thought I try career mode: did some races, all was fine. Until I did one were I beat my PB, i.e. had a new leader-board time. After I crossed the finish line, my car kept running forever on autopilot. I had to quit the game. So effectively, not even career is working right now …

Down for me as well. So glad that those of us that have paid good money for this game and a Gold account don’t get to do what we actually paid that good money for: be able to play the game online.

We have an achievement and special race that apparently never worked from day 1. Server issues yesterday and now again today. Next time somebody has the bright idea to make a game free for 1 weekend and allow a flood of new people to jump on, let me save you the time and suggest something now… DON’T DO IT.

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I am so glad that xbox live is letting all the people who DIDN’T pay for the game crash all the servers, so those that DID pay get to sit around and twittle their thumbs. Thanks a lot xbox live. ; (

This is only my 4th day playing on the new Xbone, I bought my tokens but yesterday and today they do not show up in the game, but they do show up in the rewards as purchased, kinda disappointed, I figured by waiting a year too get my xbone, that the kinks would be worked out by now…my car also would just keep running laps after the race until I shut it off and logged back in, then it would do the drive by the opppents and give me my points

I can’t imagine how this is a good business model for Turn 10. Let’s effectively demo out Forza 5, but not ensure that we have the ability to make it work properly. That way, all of our paying customers will have an unusable product, and potential customers will have a terrible online experience as well.

I work in network balancing for the telecommunications industry, and a botch like this one would get people fired.

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Forza 5 servers down?