I keep getting “The Forza Motorsport 5 server is not available at this time. Please try again later.” Does anyone have any info on this as of March 4, 2014, I want to play the game get the new DLC but apparently cannot communicate with the servers. Any info on when this will be fixed or if it is a personal problem would be great.
Not only are the servers down for me I don’t have access to most of my DLC cars. I guess I will skip Forza 5 this weekend hope everything is back to normal by Monday.
Yes, but it was the weekend. My point is regular weekday staff will presumably be at T10 from 9AM Pacific today, and they should at the very least be able to give some kind of update before the end of the day, even if it’s just ‘Not our problem to fix but we’ll let you know when it is’, which is where the eight to ten hours comes in.
So they do a free weekend, and forget to upgrade server capacity? Nice work. Not often I get enough free time to sink some hours in to Forza. Shame it’s down.