Hi, is anybody else having issues with connecting to multiplayer games?
My game just keeps searching for a multiplayer game and doesn’t find anything…
No problems there mate I hate to tell you! What I am still finding though is the game crashing back to home screen while in lobby! It seems to do it more if you move around the players while in the lobby trying to mute people! Had no other issues though with not connecting , sorry!
Very wired i was racing last night and i finished 1st but i said that i finshed 3rd then some guy said i knocked him off the track so i saved it watched it and i was no where near him but he said i was you so don’t know whats happening
There has been an update to the game recently. Try holding the power button on your Xbox one for a few seconds, this will force it to hard reset. This may fix the issue, but no guarantees.