Me and a friend are playing quite a bit of forza 5 multiplayer together. But every single race we do, no matter who hosts, he ends up getting kicked from the race/lobby about halfway through. And whenever he gets loses connection, halve of the drivatars in the race are taken out aswell.
Both our NAT types are open, internet on both ends is fine. We can’t figure out what’s happening and how to prevent this. Anybody know how to solve this problem?
Anybody that knows anything about this or experienced it him/herself?
“Disconnected from the lobby”? Yes, if I play the multiplayer hoppers I’ve got no problems (maybe happened 4 or 5 times in total in the last year) but the last 3 costum races resulted in a very short race for me. One time the game crashed a couple of minutes after I was disconnected from the lobby. In the first couple of months that I played fm5 I did a few online races with only me in the lobby and even then it happened a lot, so I quit doing this.
Yes he gets disconnected from the lobby, but it always happens halfway through the race. If he plays by himself in a custom multiplayer race, nothing happens. Only when playing together…
Anybody else with a possible solution?