Safety rating drops way too easily

I did about 10 races today in E class. 9 out of 10 no penalty or something extremely small. One race I go off track to avoid being wrecked by someone clearly trying to wreck and it drops me to an A. :man_shrugging: The ratings seem meaningless anyway but why would someone be dropped down for one single incident in 1 out of 10 races. Makes zero sense. Anyway I am back to S but it’s too harsh. It should weigh the amount of clean races against the incident races to make a fair determination.

I think the problem here is that the safety rating isn’t truly cumulative. I don’t really understand why to be honest.

I yo-yo from A to S and back again all the time. It doesn’t seem to instantly update. I’d have a penalty free race and I check it, it demotes me.

I just don’t worry about it anymore.

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Again 1 race to drop you for things you didn’t even do. I was attacked and smashed. I get the blame? and the Penalties? They smashed me. 4 races and still not back to S. Always punishing clean racers. Nothing changes. How does it take 5-6 races to earn it back and 1 to lose it??? That makes sense to anyone? I literally didn’t do anything to anyone. They did it. Not me. Just like a horizon penalties punishing the wrong person. You made zero attempt. Zero to fix it there. Will you here? I’m more concerned with that than the rating. My faith is shaken by the lack of even trying in H5. Not even trying is just shameful and shows a lack of caring.