Sorry Zip. I generally only play one racing game at a time. Might be back at some point but I think it’s more likely it will be FH6!
Great to see this thread kind of active though. Definitely brings a lot more longevity to the game.
Sorry Zip. I generally only play one racing game at a time. Might be back at some point but I think it’s more likely it will be FH6!
Great to see this thread kind of active though. Definitely brings a lot more longevity to the game.
Not sure where else to post this but I have a C class tune up for the 700R now that has got me the Cathedral and Bola WR’s in the past couple of hours.
Just by chance it came about, I was messing around with a C class Ford Anglia on Winter Wonderland, did a good time with it so went to Bola to see if I could use it there, saw I already had a 700R time up which was terrible, used someone else’s tune and beat that easily, so I revisited Cathedral afterwards with that tune but the gearing + it’s behaviour in the 1st corner put me right off.
So I thought I’d test myself and see how much I’ve really learned about tuning, eventually it turned into getting the WR on there, took it on Chihuahua and did a half-hearted few laps on there with a small improvement then returned to Bola and I could tell almost straight away it was capable, took a while but eventually ended up getting the WR there as well.
Not bad for someone who only started tuning in April last year after 11 years of never bothering in any FH game lol.
I won’t be using it in the Rally DLC when D/C class Rivals arrive but it’s available for anyone that wants to, anything strong on the more twisty mainland courses normally translates extremely well to the RA ones.
Congrats Gilles. Will be waiting to see the “Gille’s Garage” weekly tunes list hitting the Festival playlist thread going forward
the discord vultures are already circling
Nice work Gilles!
We have races and events on my fourm for 4/5 and motorsports. Drop by if you want to check it out. Forza Rivals Challenges + Team Races - Forza Horizon 4/5/Motorsport
Will do in a week or two.
@ziperrPL sorry to pass you in a Scout on Titan but I needed to chase my own ghost to know how to fix my Gladiator.
new tune is better, ahead of both your Gladiator and my Scout around 50%
i can hold the lead thru the festival at the top of the hill, but I think after this m/c becomes very helpful, or my gearing isn’t as good for flat-ground. it’s difficult configuring such a long race for auto.
still would love to see your build. mine is shared for anyone who wants to give it a try: 217 820 518
and heres videos of the first 45-50% of each lap, clean
Will definitely give this a try when I get a chance, but I’ve personally had more success with your K10 tunes over the Scout; they are so balanced, it almost feels like cheating driving them
I’ve had more success in D500 with scout than anything, but I’m trying to push the gladiator as far as it can go
Sorry, got confused. You want me to try to do Scout or Gladiator tune?
If for Scout - do you want it to be “automatic friendly”? Cause if not, there are probably much more better tunes shared than anything I can come up with
Will take a look on Titan in next two days. At least that will be my plan.
sorry, I want you to look at my gladiator. also I want to look at yours
Can’t judge if previous run was done after “tire profile update” or not. In the end improved my time by almost 4sec with rather good run. I’m mad at myself, because I drove straight into lamp before solar panels
I won’t share that tune, because that is basically same setup as for El Descenso, but with rear tire profile. Probably without clutch upgrade - can’t remember, I did that few weeks ago.
What I’m saying is that you can just use your own (very good) tune form El Descenso and upgrade it with tire profile.
Here is my gearing, but M+C helped (downshifts and overreving). IMO it should be possible to beat your Scout time with automatic. Just don’t hit lamps
Finally got around to picking up the Scout tune & it’s solid, well done Been running some Rivals times with it for a comp with the previous tune I was using & yours is outperforming it pretty easily.
awesome, thank you for the gearing! great lap time, I’ll be back at it again soon
at least you’re beating my times with my tune
finally executed a tricky racing line on Herencia, between the water tanks and shed. very difficult at higher speeds, I did this one without clearing the debris but that makes it easier as well. highly recommended
So I’m curious to know if anyone else has encountered this apparent “practice” of players laying on their horn while running Rivals times. I encountered this before & thought it was a fluke, but have found this multiple times now with an apparent strategy to do this at critical points during the run. To say this is obnoxious would be an understatement…
I have, a few time in rivals… (no naming and shaming) but for me it’s been the same person and always on bends. Annoying but makes me chuckle when I beat them.
Someone I have on my friends list (not off here on the forum though) does it pretty much non-stop on nearly all of their ghosts.
It doesn’t translate what they actually did either, they could be beeping a piece of music on their actual lap but the ghost will make it sound like mindless honking along with using the default horn sound.