Hi emperor, I figured I came across somewhat confusing. Thank you for trying at the issue, maybe I can explain it better. On my smart phone I visit these forums, renew my Forza rewards and check on my rewards status (currently a max of 2500). I am a driver since 2012, my tier is 12, with about 1400 points to reach tier 13. The quandary is, in the details of my FH4 rewards status it says for example, I’ve been on day 44 for several years, my other fields aren’t adding any ‘new’ accomplishments either. The only field that seems to show ‘life’ is my achievement data. My FH4 rewards aren’t updating, also my FM7 IS ADDING rewards points, it’s ambiguous what field I’m having reward accomplishments in, the stats won’t update. It’s like a refresh thing.
As far as quitting before my race is done to get a higher driver is brilliant. I’m glad that doesn’t work, I’d have felt stupid for not trying that years ago hahaha. Put the length of race on super long and bail, reap the rewards, haha, that would be an issue for certain.
I’ve tried updating over a pc with internet, it hasn’t solved the fact that no matter what I achieve in FH4, for gaining rewards points, It doesn’t or won’t update. Just for the nerdy pleasure of seeing how my rewards status is, e.g. seeing how close I am to getting 3000/3000 for playing the games.
Does this help at all? Seems like some refresh or code issue. It’s been several years of FH4 just sitting like 500 pts from 3000, stuck. It’s kinda a drag, nothing serious, still, I think that it’s not updating for ages is worth a brain storm with my fellow FM enthusiasts and problem solvers. I love this game and the community.
Maybe I should bail on my own club and join a righteous club worth having more fun, I design and do alternate tunes etc… not very bad at racing whatsoever either.
All the best and thank you for your help,