Return of the U.N.R.L (United Nations Race league)

Welcome to season 4 of the U.N.R.L, this season will be filled with nostalgia as this season GT cars are back with a couple new entries also :).

What makes us different?:

What makes us different is that we are using the Drag tyre for the race as it wears at a much faster (more accurate) rate simulating as close to real life as possible were also using separate race tyre tunes for qualifying as they give more grip an ultimately will suit the characteristics of a car at full pace in a qualifying scenario (plus your always faster in qualifying than in a race so it helps simulate that also).


If your a regular to our league then you already know how this process works, but incase your new to our league/league racing altogether ill explain it for you, upgrades to the setups can not be altered, they are given out an worked on by me (League Admin) to keep the racing as close an equal as is physically possible this season ive gone as far to build the cars all down to the nearest Lateral g’s thus several months have gone into the setups to ensure the cars/racing is equal despite the difference in manufacture an different traits of each car.

How do pitstops work?

Everyone will be required to pit at least once this isnt a rule but a guideline as the drag tyres wont last a full race they will wear out at a certain point during the race an fall out there operating window you’ll immediately drop 1-3 seconds of the pace (it is recommended to check tyre wear on the mini car status click in the right stick once to see damage on the tyres) no one will make it to the end without pitting thus also bringing strategy to the races an putting everyone in the same situation (equal terms).

This season will be a 12 race season with a couple bonus races before and after the seasons over example league social races or special enduro pre season/after season events.

Heres the list of cars available for season 4/the GT enduros until season 4 starts:

Please bare in mind that the Z4/Lambo along with the Viper will have certain handicaps throughout the season to equalize there performance.

2007 Flying Lizard 911 GT3-RSR

2009 Ford MK7 GT2

2010 Jaguar RSR XKR GT2

2010 BMW M3 GT2 Art Car (rahal letterman version is also allowed just gift car to me)

2010 BMW Z4 GT3 (has -15% power as the restrictors have been taken off)

2011 Flying Lizard 911 GT3-RSR (falken one is available just ask)

2011 Corvette ZR1 GT2

2011 Ferrari 458 GT2

2011 Lamborghini Gallardo GT2 (has restrictor off an -10% power and -5% rear grip)

2011 Mclaren 12C GT3

2013 Viper SRT GT2 (has the first restrictor taken off and handicap power-5% and -5% rear grip)

official (Season 4 calendar) below Note some venues/laps/order might change, will be informed on any change in a future update.

Week 1 Sunset Full Circuit Forward 26Laps

Week 2 Road America 32 Laps Enduro

Week 3 Nurburgring Gran Prix Circuit 20 Laps

Week 4 Catalunya Gran Prix Circuit 21 Laps

Week 5 Road Atlanta Full Circuit 49 Enduro Laps

Week 6 Leman’s La Sarthe 17 Laps Enduro

Week 7 Mazda Laguna Seca 27 Laps

Week 8 Suzuka Full Circuit 32 Lap Enduro

Week 9 Hockenheim Gran Prix Circuit 22 Laps

Week 10 Hockenheim Gran Prix Circuit 21 Laps

Week 11 Twing Ring Motegi Full 20 Laps

Week 12 Sebring Full Circuit 32 Laps Enduro

The series is team based theres a single drivers championship and a constructors championship the same as Formula 1, Races are around 40-1hr 10 minutes enduros are 1hr10mins and the normal races are 40mins there held on Saturdays at 7pm uk time compare the timezone to your own to find the difference in time.

As incidents do tend to happen if anyone is unhappy with a start to a race or there is a mass wreck at the start of the race between lap 1-5 for a normal race we will have 3 restarts available for a normal race an 2 for a endurance race if there is any wrecks between lap 1-10 as there longer an need to start on time an be carried out with more efficiencey.

A set begin date can only be determined once we have enough feedback from racers/teams as to what would be a good start date as we want to start this season strong specific date will be confirmed in a later update.


These rules are here to ensure the fairest racing possible anyone who goes against them will suffer the consequences of being relieved of there place in the league an banned from further races till otherwise notified.

Rules an Regulations part 1:

Lobby Rule

Before your invited to the session make sure you have the two tunes already saved, also once qualifying is over please load your seperate setup in the lobby on the load tuning section on the left of your screen as if you back out an join back in you will lose your qualifying position an will have to start from the back of the grid in whatever order you join back in.

Clutch Rule

Clutch has been restricted to off for further races as it allows quicker gear changes than normal manual, thus giving a higher aceleration and a higher top speed meaning clutch users can run a higher downforce an not be penalised down the straights, like you should if you run more wing this rule is mandatory an must not be abused as it plays a vital rule in keeping the racing fair theres also due to a audio problem in the replay system in FM4 an FM games alike when clutch is used it has a distinctive sound that allows us to easily locate anyone who goes against this rule obey the rules an have fun ill see you on the track. (also in the real world semi-auto (flappy paddel) gearbox’s are faster in the real world so were simulating real life as close as possible.)

Pit Lane Rule

Pit lane limits must be realised an respected at all times this means staying within the entry/exit pit lines until youve reached the start of pit road/end of the white guidelines then you can resume racing on the normal line anyone who ignores or directly doesn’t obey this rule will have a standard procedure 2pt deduction respect the limits of racing an have fun guys.

Assist Notice

Just a quick notice for all participants were going to be forcing off Stability control to allow these specific assist users to experience the car on a harder level as these setups were built with the purest vision of racing and seeing as stability does what its name intends it makes the cars easy to access were keeping the racing equal an fair to the max of our ability, however ABS will still be permitted we’ll see you on the track.

Corner cutting rule

We will have a person appointed the role of reviewing race incidents such as corner cutting our rule is simple your first 2 corner cuts = 2 warnings after that is a point loss for every time you cut a corner after your warning has been given to you, you will be informed on whether youve stayed in the regulations after eatch race.

End of rules an regulations part 1.

Rules an Regulations Part 2

. As stated earlier upgrades are not available to the setups given out by me, however you are allowed to fine tune your preferred vehicle like for example, tyre pressure, suspension height/stiffness, differential percentage brake pressure all those things in the TUNE menu you can fine tweak an yes that does mean you cant changes the specific rims on the car either this is because even the slightest change will affect the Lateral g of the car these cars are very sensitive to this thus no upgrades can be made as itd either give the car an advantage or make it un-competitive.

. All teams are to have no more than two members, furthermore both team mates in each team are also required to be in the same car.

.You must have a race number visible on your car (front back sides) would make it easier for people to recognise/differentiate between drivers really helpful also to the leaders to navigate lap traffic.

.Teams are required to have their own unique paintjob an have to apply the same paintjob to both yours an your teammates car.

End of rules an Regulations Part 2.

If youd like to sign up/join or have anymore questions message me on xbox at my GT Man Lyk Ramer or message my series co leader Vassyg16, send us a message even if were offline well get back to you as soon as possible you can also message the league admin at or join our race league page on facebook just click the link :slight_smile: United Nations Race League we look forward to seeing you on the track.

Visit the link for more details.


Bump, the race on this week