Hey guys, im a long time drifter and i would like to start practicing for the next season of VFD. Although i know a few tracks, i dont know them all. If anyone could help me on what track and section i would greatly appreciate it. Either post here or msg me on xbl GT RDL2 Jedi. Thanks alot!!!
If you’re planning on joining into VFD next season then be prepared to wait until April next year. You can join the current season if you want, there is plenty of space left. Round 4 starts 26th June (next week). 5pm EST qualifying on I think the 26th and the 27th and the battles start at around 3pm on the 28th EST. These are presumptions of the previous round and may not be correct. If you will be competing in this series, check out one of the older threads to check the times (not dates).
You will also have to make your car within restrictions and send in the car to The Daiguren for justification of the car.
Good Luck.
Maverick got it right thanks.Round 4 thread has been made.
Thanks guys and Dai if you could pm me the requirements so i can get a car set up that would be great and i will be waiting until next season i have to get tons of practice in (Long beach is kicking my butt) but i appreciate all the info given and if any of you have lobbies open during the off season id be more than willing to join you all! add me on xbl GT RDL2 Jedi. Thanks and see you all next season!