I purchased ultimate, but rather than taking the time off work, I’ll just smuggle my xbox and play on one of the monitor… Thanks god this crappy shift allows me to do this as there’s no one from management after hours
I think they really made the ultimate WORTH it this time. Considering the car pass alone is 30, that’s 90 without the expansion pack, early access, vip and day one, drift packs. All of that is 10 dollars wow! (out of the 100) You are going to pay alot more for all of that separately.
Wait…So, Xbox has been a little…misleading with it’s file sizes. Like Forza 7 was also “100GB” IF you played on PC or Xbox One X. Because it then added the 4K textures. This might be the same thing. Which, the standard, non-4K Forza 7 is about 70GB.
I’m just glad I bought a 5TB hard drive a few months ago, makes space a non-issue for me even if it isn’t as fast as my SSD. I’ve recently doubled my internet speed too but a game this big will still take a while to download. I’m really hoping for at least a week for pre-loading as I tend to run the download overnight. It’ll all be worth it though. I didn’t play anything but Horizon 3 for weeks after that came out.
Sorry if I look stupid but its the first time that I pre order a game and this game is FH4 ultimate edition… the problem is that the downloading started but after 100 mb it stop and now I need to wait until the launch before downloading the other 99.9 Gb… is that right?
Maybe I’ll be avle to download the full game before is launch or I really need to wait?
Just wondering if, like in FH3, does the Ultimate Edition pre-orderers get the game a few days early? I think it was like 4 days early last time, so I just wanted to know.