Receiving Forza 7 tomorrow??

Okay so just wanted verify something with my fellow Forza group, according to my tracking number it looks like my ultimate edition is arriving tomorrow. Now just to show you how Forza crazy I am I purchased the digital and the collectors edition. Will the disk version be playable tomorrow? I know that some insider players are already playing, will it be a problem if I do play it?

It will not be playable until early release is unlocked for all those that ordered the ultimate edition.

Okay thanks for the quick answer.

Obviously you won’t be able to play until Early Access goes live but I am curious if you’ll be able to pop in the disc and begin downloading the 50gb day one patch.

I don’t think so, i have the game-preloaded (digital version) , if you try to start it, it blocks with a message. i suppose you will get the same message with the physical edition of your game…

Unless you are some insider, or access to it earlier for some magical reason.

Even if you could play it earlier than early, I don’t think the powers that be would be very pleased.

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I am also curious about the extra 50gb install, I guess I could give it a try, and post it tomorrow. My digital download is stuck at the 67gb that most others have. But it would be nice to know if this would finish the installation.

Digital wise, it won’t. That 67gb should (according to others) be the compressed version of the game (files just compacted to make the download smaller). As for playing early, it was stated that disc players can pop the game in a play right away, but missing a lot of content and whatnot from that 50gb day one patch. It’s worth a shot for sure though lol. If it blocks you, then it looks like the days of getting a game early-early in the mail and playing long before is a thing of the past now :frowning:

There seems to be a misunderstanding. Just because the game is 50 GB on BD and requires a 50 GB patch doesn’t mean it’s 100 GB total. The 67 GB of the digital version are very likely including the day one patch, the rest is data that gets replaced by the patch. The PC version is 97 GB but that includes 4K assets. Xbox One will probably get that optional 30-GB 4K patch in November. The reason why the game shows up as 100 GB in the store is because they don’t have separate pages for One and One X, so they have tongo with the bigger number required for One X users.


Nowadays I’m not so sure.

I got FM4 I believe it was a week early in the mail and was able to play right away. Granted this was back in the days of Xbox 360. No 50gb day one patch, no digital versions of the game…

I don’t see why the disc content wouldn’t be playable. Think about it, the disc is in your hands and if you go offline how would they prevent you from using it. Depending on what content is actually on the disc, it could work.

Because the game isn’t designed to run off the disc, its designed to run off the contents of the disc that need to be installed, likely the same contents that people who preordered the game can now download but don’t have access to untill the release date, so how would downloading those contents from a disc instead of downloading them from the internet change that? Chances are the game will be locked untill the release date, just like it is for people who got the game digitally

Because people that buy the game digitally have a online license essentially and they can’t play the game and tell that license gets activated which won’t happen until early access. People that purchase the disc copy of the game must have the disc inserted in their console to play and their ownership of the game is not based on the content being installed but on the disc being able to be read. This means the key to playing the game for disc owners is the physical disc itself and therefore if you have the physical disk and hand you should in theory be able to play the game as soon as you have it.

Hopefully you will at least be able to download the day one patch …

The 67GB DL on the consoles Should unpack to 95.6GB it has on my console… For some it’s a happening pretty quickly mine was done overnight…, Some it still hasn’t :frowning:

The annoying thing is no one is able to say exactly what you need to go to firstly get the 67 GB download - again some it was automatic other (myself included) had to delete the place holder…

And then again say what’s needed to get it to unpack … Some with decent DL connections are deleting the 67GB DL and trying again…

You would have thought (or rather hoped) they would be on top of this by now…

If you’ve got the disc, you should be fine to play it.

You should be able to play it, yes. Discs do not lave a “license unlock date” whereas digital copies do.

However, online features may or may not be disabled, differs depending on the game.

Also, I recommend you don’t share any screenshots or videos if you do get it early; hold off until Friday when everybody has access.

I doubt that would work. Even if you’re offline, the install must have a digital check that would prevent it from working.


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All disc and digital versions are ONLY playable according to their release dates. So in your case, you can unlock rights to the game on the 29th, midnight, Pacific time. You can choose to play the base game that’s on the disc or decide to get the day one 50 gig patch which unlocks all other content.

By the way, after you install the disc, I think you should also be able to download the 50 gig patch before release day. Pretty sure of that. If not, someone please correct me.

Disc based games that are not always online, work anytime. Regardless, I should have my physical copy tomorrow if Royal Mail doesn’t mess up things, and will let you guys know.