READ If Xbox Crashing To Dashboard Or Freezing

I had this same issue with a certain track. My Xbox would freeze and crash to dashboard. Unable to progress thru a series. Etc.

My game was installed to an external hard drive via disc. Not sure how this would work with a digital copy. Same process kinda I guess.

I posted this on another post on here and it resolved the issue another user had as well! So someone else can confirm this MAY be the resolution for some of your issues.

-take out game
-uninstall game
-set default install location to internal drive
-put game back in
-install and update
-do not open if game says “ready to start” wait until it is 100% downloaded and installed and updated.

Booted it up and it worked flawlessly. Takes forever but it fixed my crashing issues because originally it must have had corrupted data.

Why I think it had corrupted data on a track or due to an update was when trying to MOVE or COPY the game from my external drive to the internal drive it failed every time at a certain percentage. So I am assuming there was corrupted data.

May these directions possibly help you with your issues. It seems easy and quite simple or silly but it saved me!!!

Additionally your game saved data is on the internal drive. Do not touch it!!! Don’t want to lose your progress!!! I did not touch or move my saved game at all.

Best wishes,

-Fellow Gamer Who Loves Forza

I have reinstalled and run the game on both the internal and external drive and it still crashes after a certain period in single player and various points in multiplayer on one S

first off all its great that you atleast try to help instead of t10 lol… but if i delete the game do i then 2 delete my save game ? (you know cars money etc) and by my know my game is indeed installed on device outside the xbox. so maybe thats why indeed its freezing after every 3-4 races… only by me it only does it online not like some in singleplayer… hope you reply . so to be short … does it delete my save game? if i delete my game?

im now trying it my was on portable device installed now hope that i didnt lose my 1.7 mil and 100 cars and my bounty holden torana fe…

Dont worry about it as your game is saved on line in the Game Cloud.

Now then this is very important after you game has finished installing and you the start the game a Sync window will open do nothing touch nothing put your controller down on a safe flat surface because if you interupt the Sync that is it game over all save data wiped never to be seen again.

Sync can take any where from a few seconds to well over an hour so just let it do its thing and download your saved game safetly and once done your game will be back to where you last played.

This part is incorrect when you Unistall a game from Xbox all save games files and download content is also removed. The Save game is only installed on the internal untill you unistall the game the main Save file is Stored on line in you account Cloud storage maitained by Microsoft I believe, once you have reinstalled the game you need to let the game Sync with the cloud save game failuer to do this will result in save game being wiped from the cloud first time you do something in game as the defult is to use the File with the latest time stamp. So starting you game with out correctly synchronize it is not a good thing.

i did the reinstalling on my harddrive but i didnt work and now im really pissed off cause i waited 14-15 hours for the downloading and didnt get any sleep… no that its your fault but maybe make it in possible solution… cause i didnt work for it almost looked it got worse… luckily i dint loose my savegame… long live fcking forza and fcking xbox one…

Im sorry this did not work for you. Like I said this isn’t some wonder Forum that fixes everything. But this solution has resolved several users issues. So I thought I’d share.

When you go to manage game you can see your saved game files on there they are saved to INTERNAL. I did not touch them, I only uninstalled the game itself. Then reinstalled. I did not lose any cars or data.

[Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D]