Welcome to Rapids International Raceway!
This fictional raceway in North Dakoda got its start in the 70s with its the original layout , and since the early 90s it has grown into the full raceway it is today
- This track offers 4 circuits and a open trackday (freeroam)
+ Freeroam
The freeroam version! Use this for practice, drifting, or exploring!
- 596 304 580
+ 70’s Circuit (0.8 miles)
The original circuit from the 70s and its been repaired time after time, and it still holds local events to this day
- 4 laps - 642 453 663
- 7 laps - 162 305 383
- MX5 cup - 7 laps - 137 943 163
+ Club Circuit (1.5 miles)
Part of the 90s revamp of the raceway, this circuit only holds local events and small league events
- 3 laps - 178 487 076
- 6 laps - 424 461 440
+ Touring Circuit (1.9 miles)
This circuit wasnt officially around till the mid 2000s and holds Touring car events and sometimes even GT4
- 3 laps - 624 575 450
- 6 laps - 117 483 448
- Touring Cup - 10 laps - 107 551 361
+ Full Circuit (2.1 miles)
The primary circuit from the 90s revamp, and holds a majority of events for the raceway
- 3 laps - 640 501 104
- 10 laps - 104 547 477
- GT3 cup - 12 laps - 155 419 348
- 30 laps - 171 291 115
- Time Attack - 253 343 747
(Been meaning to finally post an event on the forums, feel free to give feedback <3)