
So im gonna buy me a racingwheel but witch one should i buy Thrustmaster has clutch as add-on and Mad Catz has not

my set up rocks, GET THE TX THEN find some used t500 pedals , they are all metal , compared to the toy like stock ones!
Then you need to ditch the stock rim and get the GTE rim add on! I also bought a used load cell for my pedals that ill have by the end of the month!

I have the exact same setup as jaredo has apart from I have the basherboards bushing mod instead of a load cell. The stock 458 pedals are just about ok but the T500 with a mod to give progressive break resistance are so much better.

Saying that, the T3PA pedalset is now available for the TX which seem to be ok. I’d not consider the Mad Catz wheel until there are more reviews out. The fact you can mount it on your lap tends to imply the force feedback isn’t that strong. Could be wrong…

I have the TX wheel with the GTE rim add on. Fanatec CSR elite pedals with the required Basherboards adapter. Awaiting the release of the Thrusmaster shifter. I am very pleased with the results ot this configuration :slight_smile:

OP, I would recommend waiting on the MadCatz, delays and no real positive first hand previews, doesn’t look to promising. Hopfully when its out later this month, it will deliver as originally hoped. Also Thrustmaster has available the new 3 pedal set it’s around 99 bucks and has a conical brake mod that has gotten good reviews