Hey, just discovered something a little bit disappointing. I wanted to see what it would be like to race against my own drivatar. So I logged onto another account, sent my main account a friend request, and went and accepted the request on my main. So basically, I am racing my own drivatar on another account. However, upon starting a race, I noticed that the car my drivatar was using was completely messed up. In “A Class”, I always use my Ferrari F50, F40, and Mclaren F1. I have a few other A Class cars but have only driven them once or twice each. All of my leader board times are in the Ferrari’s and Mclaren F1… yet my drivatar is using a Mclaren Mp4-12c that isnt even the same colour as the one in my garage. Its not even fully upgraded (its at A698 or something), when my MP4-12c is a full A700. Clearly the drivatar is not using the car i usually drive, and the car its choosing isnt even painted or tuned/upgraded the same as mine.
I tested this in S class, and found the same thing.
Car I use all the time: Red Ferrari F50, Red F40, and some other various ones
Car that gets chosen by my drivatar: Stock looking and unpainted (just the default red/black) Huayra.
My actual Huarya in my garage: Never gets used, is green and is in R Class…
I should be clear that I have never even raced the Huarya in S class.
Same thing happened in R Class:
Car I use all the time: Mclaren M23 (1970’s F1 car) and a Red Laferrari…
Car that my Drivatar is using: Stock coloured (orange) Mclaren P1, no aero
My actual P1 in garage: Black with aero…
Clearly my drivatar is never using the car that I actually use which is really stupid… I even tried deleting my MP4-12c and it still uses the orange one in the race even though mine was green, and is deleted.
This is stupid - my friends want to race my actual cars with my setup and paintjob, so why isnt this working?
Also, my drivatar doesnt even show up in Free Play on my other account. Please someone explain.
The Drivatar is simply a replication of driving habits. It was never announced that Drivatars would reflect our livery tastes and vehicle choices. As a matter of fact, the opposite: Drivatar liveries are based on the style that the gamer prefers (regarding selections from the livery feature) not what the Drivatar’s “owner” selects, that way other designer’s work are presented within the race to the very person who may wish to acquire that design.
Perhaps in future titles, an option to have the Drivatar more closely mirror its “owner” would be a potential feature.
Some may refute this; but, the fact of the matter is I’ve caught my Drivatar not using the vehicle I use for a specific class, the vehicles my Drivatar use are never tuned to the PI level I use, and they never sport the liveries I use (because I don’t use any). Any similarities - apart from driving style likeness - are purely coincidence.
Shenanigans. It was stated at E3 it would use your car and you would see your friends paint jobs. Why else the hype. In response to this thread ive had friends brag about my liveries in career races just to say that also sometimes my car is white. I dont and wont ever own a white car. I believe the cloud is merely brain farting at times so randomly picks a color. As it should.
See tht s very disappointing. I was under the impression that your drivatar was meant to be a way fro your friends to race “you” even when you are not online. For example, on the Jimmy Fallon Show, the Microsoft guy said “even when your frends arent online you can race them in THEIR cars, all you have to do is load up their drivatar and itll be like theyre right there with you” or something VERY similar to that. It would also make it much more accurate to have your drivatar using your car. But I seriously doubt what you say is true, because my one friend I race, his drivatr always uses his 458 with the same paintjob and PI as his actual car. Honestly I think its a bit silly to have it the way you describe. I hope it isnt true.
I have used a trick since November. As near as I can tell, if my Drivatar appears in a race with cars for which I shared a livery, it seems to put me in that car and livery rather than random cars and random liveries. This is why I always use my own liveries and always upload them.
There are some problems with this.
Even if you saw my Drivatar driving the same car I drove, that wouldn’t make it the same unless it had the exact same set of upgrades and the exact tuning setup. I’m pretty confident that even when it does put my Drivatar in my car, it isn’t exactly the same as mine.
I have used more than one car from different classes. Which one is “mine?” There is nothing stopping me from using other cars. Even if it looks at B-class and sees I mainly drove my Ferrari and BMW, that doesn’t mean ten minutes from now I might not start driving something else.
What about classes we haven’t driven yet? If you are in a race for A-class AWD cars and I haven’t driven any AWD cars, either it has to put he in something I never drove or I get left out. My wife appears in some of my races and she only drove the first few races when she played. I have two other accounts that just did the first short series and they appear in lots of my races. If the game only used cars they drove, they could almost never show up.
but what about your drivatar’s driving - did it drive like you?
Some of my friend’s drivatars are total griefers and I was curious to know if that is ‘like’ them or no. Maybe the entire ‘learning from the cloud’ is just a sum of everyone in the world’s habits and not specific to any single individual.
I’ve always wondered about the car/paint/tune and expected something along the line of using a choice that they would normally use or something similar to their liking. The strange thing is how some of my friends end up in drivatar skill levels that doesn’t make sense. I thought the whole idea was to race against people of increasing skill as you increase the drivatar level. Don’t understand how somebody that barely plays the game can suddenly race in unbeatable setting.
Thats the thing, my drivatar drove NOTHING like me, braking late when I break early, hitting walls and going off the track where I never have, etc. I consistently posttop 100 times yet my drivatar cannot even beat my friend who barely plays the game and is never high on the leader boards? I am by far the best person on my friends list, yet my drivatar almost always places worse than my friends. My drivatar is NOT a representation of me from a drivng standpoint OR a car/paint standpoint - so why even attach my name to that drivatar? I would never drive a pagani huarya 2-tone with zero downforce and full speed (no handling) upgrades… yet my drivatar does. I would NEVER brake in certain sections, yet my drivatar does. The system is bogus. There is no denying it. I am extremely disappointed.
The relationship between drivatar and car seems a little bit scattershot. My best guess on how it works:
You pick a race, the game arbitrarily selects cars based on qualification for the race. (PI, drivetrain, etc)
The game assigns drivatars to the field, with a few picked from your friendslist. It may or may not skew the car assignment if the drivatar player happens to own a car that qualifies (stock class - limited or no upgrades).
If the car happens to match one that the drivatar’s “player” owns, then it seems to choose among the designs they have for that car. Possibly weighted towards whatever “current” livery they last raced with.
If the car does not match one that the drivatar’s player owns, then the livery seems to be chosen among a mix of plain paint, “community picks” (i.e. the list you get to choose when you buy the car), or from a number of “stock” liveries that Turn10 has premade - these seem to be ones that generally feature vinyls that say “Forza”, “Turn10”, the FM Logo, and/or the number “5”.
Drivatar style seems more like AI-tuned to the player, “flavored” with the drivatar’s behavior. That is, if you are a top 100 racer, and your newbie friend is racing, he is not going to get a drivatar that whups him every single time. He will get newbie drivatars that drive sorta like you, in a limited way without breaking his race. At least that seems the intent.
I believe that the drivatars were a lot better paired with the people they represent in the past. Then, the community at large (or in part on these forums) complained that they were too aggressive and they didn’t drive the way they liked and blah blah blah an Turn 10 released a drivatar update. From what I’ve experienced, this drivatar update took away some of what made the drivatars well, drivatars, and made them behave more like pre-programmed AI from FM3 and FM4.