Racing online, questions??? Help?????

I did racing online for the first time yesterday and I can’t believe how fast some of these guys are. I mostly DNF’d. Boooohoooooo.

I have several questions:

#1. Where might be a good place for a beginner to start? What class or race?
#2. When I went into circuit and class, only one lobby comes up. Is it really the case that only one race would be going on in that class in the whole world of Forza?
#3. Is there a place where more people race than the Circuit Lobbys?
#4. Yeah, cars, I think some people’s cars are definitely faster than others. I can’t believe how fast some of these guys could take corners. I think that’s kind of the bummer about the race springs not adding too much number value. Because it sort of unlevels the playing field if someone has a tune that is that much better than someone else. I’m not saying people shouldn’t be given that opportunity, but I think it would help if the slower cars and lower classes were maybe a little closer in performance, so us newbs can actually finish a race. LOL. Although C was the lowest I went. I tried doing D and E but nobody was racing. It was late though. I also realize that maybe the tune isn’t the whole picture. I’m sure I have a lot to learn with driving. But it did seem like some of the guys could take a corner faster than I thought possible with that certain car. LOL.
#5. Are there races that are spec races when you go into the online racing thing? Or like maybe cars that have to be stock.
#6. How do you hook up with people that have clubs that set up races if it’s not a choice on the tabs in the online community thing?

Sorry to be a bother if this stuff seems elementary. I would like to be more competitive and have a lot to learn. It doesn’t bother me if I’m not #1, but finishing a race would be nice.

And oh yeah, one thing of irritation. Seems like most of the tracks that come up while racing with everyone are tracks that I’ve never raced in world tour. I’ve only got one more season to go in world tour and 75% of the tracks that were picked online were ones that I have never raced. Well, they were configured a different way. Like Hockenheim was always short. I’ve never even raced that in the game as a short one. And then Maple Valley backwards. Well actually one time we did a Maple valley that made no sense to me. When you started it was backwards, but then on the backside it was the normal way. Was I dreaming that? How can that be possible? LOL.

It makes it difficult to keep up if you’ve never even raced a track before. I guess. I’ll have to go through all the courses and race them so I can be more familiar. I’m not saying it’s anyone’s fault, but I found it odd that it seemed like the trend was to go to the more “obscure” set ups for the tracks. Maybe there’s a reason for that. Maybe everyone gets bored racing on tracks the normal way.

#5. cycled production is where everyone is in the same stock car but even then some people are gonna be faster then others cause of two possible reasons #1. they have played in that lobby & know the cars & how they should be driven for their style of driving #2. are really good drivers & can adapt really quick to the cars
also worth noting you can create a lobby like that as well & choose your own car track combos

I keep suggesting ABC’S lobby and one day you might try it…you may even bump into me :slight_smile:

Rivals is the best place to learn how to be fast. It let’s you test lines against a ghost just faster than you, really a great way to learn a track. Use the spec rival events to learn car control. Us the track day rival events to learn racecraft and the ability to be fast while off line.

Often times, yes, that is the case.

The cycle production lobby is pretty popular. Race clean, though, they tend to have the least tolerance for racing incidents

Welcome to racing Forza Motorsport online. I hate leaderboard cars that drive like Mario Karts and cruise around the track, neither slowing or accelerating, at like 120mph. Very boring to drive for me, but quite fast. You’ll learn to loathe them or join them.

The afore mentioned cycle production lobby.

Go to the user created lobbies section.

Thanks guys. I appreciate that.

Clairvoyantwolf, I did some racing in the ABC’s at lunch time today!!! You’re right. A lot better for me!!! I finished all the races and even placed in Second once. But I think everyone in my class was AI that time. LOL. One thing I found odd was that it seemed like some of the AI cars were bump happy. There was this black something or other and I swear he was bumping on purpose. Not even just me but everyone else. I think it was an AI car though. And then some really crazy stuff started happening. Cars were jumping up and down and disappearing and re-appearing. It was probably just a glitch with the game and it only happened on the fourth race. At the Bernese Alps.

Another problem I have is very little depth in cars I like in the lower classes. Most of my building and tuning have made cars into the B or A class. A few in C. But I would like to race D and E more. So I gotta get going and build and tune some cars for those classes. I just don’t feel like I’m ready to race S and up. Even offline I struggle with those cars to a degree. Sometimes are good sometimes are bad.

About the tunes. When you guys race online, do you have tunes ready for your car that you downloaded previously for whatever track comes up? Seems like kind of a science in and of itself. When I raced the ABC’s I actually mostly stock with a few cars I have completely stock and I actually kind of like it that way. I think on some level there is a degree of those guys that have really good tunes for that track are going to have a big advantage. Or some advantage. Which is good. I guess that’s just part of the game. I don’t know if I want “join them”, like you said. But I don’t know. I do like to build cars at this point, with different components, but the tuning is out of my league.

And FWIW, if I DO run into you in the game, my name is “abinmyveins”. Not the name I have on here.

Told you you’d like it.

The AI is hyperdumb, you’ll learn to loathe it.

That’s lag. If everyone is hopping around, you are lagging. If it’s just one or two cars, they are lagging. Quite annoying, and you’ll learn to loathe that as well.

No one really races D-F classes. I build those cars really just for fun. The most popular classes for street cars appear to be S and A. I don’t really bother with the R classes. I bought the game for street cars

I find that the inherent nature of the car is the most important thing, next is the build, and the last piece is the tune. I typically make one “good all around” tune for cars without aero. For cars with aero I make a low, average, and high downforce setup. I know I leave a little lap time on the table by not making track specific tunes, but I don’t play the game that seriously. The driver, as always, makes the biggest difference.

I’ll keep a look out for you. My name is as it is here, but I don’t play online very often.

Also, do you guys use your mics? I haven’t tried that yet. Does it bug other people if you don’t?

I tend to have my mic hooked up alot of the time as I use turtle beach x12 headphones but its muted most of the time tho.
It doesn’t bug me one bit if some doesn’t have a mic in fact people with mics who have loud music or are loud talkers bug me more then those with out a mic.

I do not. I’m pretty antisocial when it comes to online gaming. Most people don’t seem to mind. If someone gave me a good race or if I hit someone I typically just send a text at the end of the race.

I tend to agree with M Rossi and clairvoyantwolf just about everything.
As I’m tuner myself and decently fast driver Id say the keys for being fast is

  1. Driver 2. Car of choice 3. How the car is built 4. How the car is tuned

If you have tuning issues, feel free to contact me. if you want I can try to make room to my friends list so I can gift some tunes fore you, Maybe even for cars that you would like to run.
And what it comes to driving, I can at least try to teach you. That’s how I got my speed.

you find me most often in A class, but I do venture in C,B, and S, classes every now and then.
C usually provides best racing, how ever the downside in C class is that if you make mistake, the race is pretty much “over” for you, you can’t catch the lead cars anymore. In A class people are more prone to mistakes and usually the lead cars make some mistakes so even if you do mistake you are quite often still in the competition for 1st place.

And yes, some cars are significantly faster than others. PI system is good, but not quite as balanced as it should be.

Thank you for the tips. I know somebody on here offered to help guide me if we got online and raced together with mics and I apologize if I didn’t remember everything everyone said earlier and who it was. I can go back and look at my posts. I think. And that might be a good idea sooner or later. I’m not sure my brain can handle one more input though. LOL. Track, speed, rpms, corners, what gear, watch out for other drivers… Something else in my ear??? Overload. LOL. Maybe as I get better I won’t feel that way. My kids will sometimes ask me questions while I’m driving and I tell them I can’t think right then. hehehehehe

And thanks for the offer on the tunes HLR Juggernaut. I might take you up on that sometime. That’s an interesting description about C class. So nobody does D,E or F? I did see there was a multiclass with E, but maybe they’re always AI. I guess those cars are kind of boring to drive. I’m not that great of a driver but it seems like C class is where it starts to feel like you’re moving a little. The classes underneath that feel like crawling. But sometimes that might be good to understand the exact right line you should be taking on a course. Or just learning courses better. Maybe.

Well my understanding of classes and what counts on them
FED = Maintain momentum = Grip is everything
C = Acceleration starts to play a decent part, and surprisingly you can make most cars that you can get in this class at least somewhat competetive
B = This is somewhat strange, you can do well if it grips, or accelerates and handles (Handling and grip are different things)
A = Another class like C, But few definitely few no no cars.
S = Starts to be all grip again, Acceleration still plays a part but handling is again first prority
R3 and up. = Ask someone who races so high.

I did some racing in C and B again today and sucked. Ugh. Part of it is not having a proper car. I have leaned heavily towards American when choosing my cars during the world tour. And it’s not helping me at all. My builds need to be better.

I swear everybody loves running Bernese Alps. That track comes up more than any other track when I’m playing. I find that course particularly challenging. It’s like one long turn with different apexes and it’s so easy to be going to fast or too slow. LOL Anyways… I’m still not too competitive on any course. :frowning:

The thing is you’ll never be able to make good tunes unless and until you’re able to drive consistently. Don’t worry about which car too much. The first step you need to make is learning ALL the tracks and the line for each. Concentrate on being able to drive the line lap after lap with little to no variation. The speed will come as you refine your technique and push the car. Then and only then will you be able to make effective tunes for your driving style, the track, and the car’s weaknesses.

Makes sense. Other than the fact that you can’t always drive the best line when there are other cars on the track. But admittedly, I’m still learning what a good line is in some spots on some courses.

And that is why wheel to wheel racing is better than time trials.

Hopefully this saturday ill be on in the AM to PM. CST doing some lappin with my clubby, if I you’d like ill send ya a pm when ime on and well try out some of the other tracks n stuff

That could work! Thank you. I might try to be watching some of the long beach racing this weekend on line. But I’ll probably want to race some on Forza too.