Quick Tutorials

Evening All,

Seen a few FAQ’s over the last week around the livery editor and wondered if it might help if I put together a few quick tutorials to get returning players up to speed & help out the newer painters just exploring the paint booth.

Tutorial 1: How to import a design I created on a previous Forza (FM5,FH2,FM6,FH3,FM7) so that I can use it and share it in game on FH4.

Tutorial 2: Importing a design as layer groups for applying to a different car.

Tutorial 3: Painting a basic cartoon character (re-post from FM6)

Tutorial 4: Painting an Anime Classic

Tutorial 5; Using the forza colour picker website to create a palette of colours for easy access and painting.

Tutorial 1;

Importing a design from an earlier version of Forza (FM5, FH2, FM6, FH3, FM7) Note you can only import designs you have created yourself from scratch.

Step 1 go to your house or the festival site. Once there navigate to the Garage section and select Designs and Paints

Step 2. Select the My Designs tab

Step3. Use the RB button to tab across to the game tab you want to import from (I’ve used FM7). Note make sure the livery you want to import is for the same car year, model etc of the car available in FH4. In this example it’s a Mazda MX-5 2016

Step 4. You will be prompted if you want to import your design - click A to accept.

Step 5. You will then be prompted as to whether you want to share your design. I would decline this at this stage, by pressing B

Step 6. If not already in the target car, get in it now. Then go to the My Designs section and you should see your newly imported design, under My Files. Go ahead and load it on to your car.

Step 7. Go to Apply Vinyls and Decals

Step 8. This is why we didn’t share it when prompted initially - have a good look around the car from all sides and adjust it if there is any slight differences between the car models/ layer maps between games.

Not the best design example to use for this stage as not much to check in terms of lining up etc but as it happens, looks to be in good shape.

Step 9. Once you are happy the car is good to go. Go back to My Designs and this time select the option to Share your design.

Step 10. I’d leave the make and model tabs alone - they won’t affect how your design is shared as far as I can tell. You can select the style of paint - I tend to go Fantasy, Original but that’s mostly what I’m painting lol. Anyway finally add some text to assist people searching for your design. You could add your GT, Club, etc… Note If you are entering one of the weekly competitions make sure to start your description with the relevant weeks fantasy* or race* identifier so T10/ PG can find your car to feature it.

Happy sharing and may you get many downloads!

Quick Tutorial 2 - Importing a livery for a car/ model not in FH4 for transferring to a donor vehicle.

I’m going to keep this simple - I painted a quick design on a Acura NSX 17 FE on FM7 when trying to clear out some spare cars in the AH. Now the FE isn’t currently available in FH4, so I want to transfer that design to the regular Acura NSX 17.

One way would be to do this on FM7 to be fair, then import the new design from FM7 across to FH4.

On this occasion I’m going to do it a different way as some car models might not be available on FM7 that are in included in FH4.

So I loaded up FM7 - found the car I wanted

Step 1. Go to Paint Car

Then in to Apply Decals

Step 2. Save the sides of the car you want as layer groups.

Highlight all layers

Save the highlighted layers as a layer Group

I only saved the Left side, Top and rear of the car as there wasn’t much to save on the front for this one. I named each group appropriately.

Step 3. Boot up FH4 and in the Designs and Paints Section select My Vinyl Groups.

The process for importing Vinyl Groups is the same as importing whole liveries (tutorial 1)

Tab to the relevant game tab and you should see your saved groups for the sides of the car

Import each side you saved.

Step 4. Get in your target Vehicle. The go to apply Vinyls and Decals

Load up the appropriate group for the side of the car you’re starting with

Some positioning required


Repeat this step for the sides you copied. Now as I only saved the Left side of the car as a Vinyl Group. I now need to mirror that to the other side of the car.

Step 5. Mirroring and positioning

Go to the Right side of the car and choose Insert all from right/ left side

You’ll end up with something like this - you may need to move it around a little again to line it up. But you will notice all of your logo’s/ images are now reversed.

Go back to the left side, ungroup the side so you can get to the individual layer groups again.

Copy your first layer group to correct (click in left stick and press X) then go to the right side of the car again and paste that layer group (Y).

Position it over the top of your reversed layer group so it’s in the same position.

Find the mirrored layer group and delete it

Which should leave you with your layer group in the right position and the correct way around (Bug discovered to be reported*)

If any of your layer groups have been rotated. Make a mental note of the degrees of rotation (in this case 4.5)

You’re going to want to rotate the group in the opposite direction by in this case 9 degrees (4.5 to get it back to level and then another 4.5 to get it to match your one on the other side)

Rinse and repeat for all your logos

Step 6 SAVE!!!

I generally just back out of the editor with B then when prompted save to the current car.

Step 7 Admire your handiwork

*Notice bug as mentioned above. Whilst moving the Loewe logo, I ungrouped it. This appears to have removed some of the added tricks FM7 has involving flipping layer groups. As the one I ungrouped is now a non-symmetrical mess lol.

Work around - don’t ungroup the affected logo - should paste fine

Step 8 Go off and do some races, but pause every now and again to admire your handiwork again :wink:

Hope that helps some of you guys/ gals

NOTE - Originally posted in FM6 forum - straight copy and paste to here;

Evening All,

I started this when AB was putting together his shapes guide and only got around to finishing it up tonight, it’s very basic and more or less involved deconstructing an image I’d painted for one of my Halloween Bash cars (Casper).

Anyway, hopefully this will help someone who is totally new to painting get an idea of how a basic image can be constructed, it is by no means the only way to paint this type of image. So experiment and play around and you may find your own way to do things.

So step one was to find a suitable image, I found an old Harvey’s comic cover on google and in the top corner was this interesting little ‘stamp’ which changed from cover to cover of the comic but with Casper in varying comic poses.

I started out by utilising the Bracket from one of the fonts tabs (Lower letters 2 fonts tab - shape 35) - I’ve used this shape many times over the years for anything from outlines to just curved lines within a design element, to intricate fonts. Anyway I sketched his basic outline like so;

Then I pasted a solid white shape behind him to start to fill in the outline - I’ve shown the ‘dogtooth’ shape in this next image as it’s good for both inside and outside curves but in reality I will have used a couple of different primitives to finish the job. I’ve also highlighted a couple of layers I had to put in between the brackets as his fingers go over the line of his chin - easily done once you get your head around the layers stacking on top of each other - i.e. if it’s a solid layer over another the layer the bottom layer won’t be visible.

If I break that down a little more, the bottom layer will be a solid circle filling in the line of his chin, then a bracket for the line of his chin, then a solid shape to form the fingers, with more brackets outlining them on top.

The next step was to add basic features - in this case very basic. A couple of stretched circles for the eyes (black ones slightly larger, with white ones over the top - that ‘stacking’ thing again). The pupils are half circles and his mouth is the ‘pointy circle’ for want of a better description.

Next to add a little shading to him, Casper in this instance is only a two tone guy. So this involved pasting more primitive shapes in a light grey tone below the level of the brackets but above the white base shapes. A couple of basic primitives again & some more brackets, god love them.

I then made the ‘stamp’ shaped background and being a fan of cutting corners wherever possible, I knew there was a shape somewhere in the livery editor which might just do the job at a push. It’s not perfect but it saved a whole boatload of time and frustration (trust me). I ended up using a rarely used shape from the stripes section.

I then had to match the bottom of Casper to the stamp, which was done with a combination of squares, dogtooths & arches as hopefully shown in this next picture. There’s also some curved squares stretched out to form the surprise or puzzlement around Casper’s head.

I finished him off with a little custom and not so custom text and slapped him on the car;

The custom text is pretty much just primitives again, if there was a way to cheat whilst making it, I probably did - I hate text lol.

Anyways that’s how I made Casper - hopefully it gives you some ideas if you’re just starting out.

If you have any questions, I’ll try my best to answer them. There’s a lot of really experienced painters out there nowadays, who are more than happy to help someone else get started on how to paint something. So if I’m not about, anyone else is welcome to chime in.

& thanks AB - I totally stole your backdrops from the shapes guide to try and make this look a little more professional - I think it needed more than that but it was worth a go!



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Just yesterday, someone posted asking about how to go about painting an Anime style image - so here we go again. Pretty much exactly the same technique I used for Casper - just more of everything really.

I will say there are more ways than one to skin a cat, so this is how I would go about it - there’s nothing definitive about this but it does work and can provide great results.

So again my old friend the Bracket will be coming in for some heavy use. On FH4 it can be found here;

I basically use this shape to sketch out the image, providing me with an outline, I can ‘back fill’ - by that I mean I can place layers behind my sketched outline to fill/ colour it in.

This is where I’m at with 342 layers down. layer one is a big white rectangle, layers 2 - 5 are four circles from the primary shapes tab (two black, two white) I have used to create her eyes & the highlight in them. Layers 6 - 342 are all brackets.

Step two.

I’ve grouped together my Bracket outline to make it easier to navigate the design. The easiest way to do this when you have a large number of layers to group is just to press A on a layer, then select Highlight all layers. You will notice all of your layers now have a little red tag in the top right corner of them, to denote that they are selected. Any layers you don’t wish to include in your group, just go to that layer and click the right trigger once to deselect it. Once you’ve deselected the layers you don’t want to include in your group, just press A over one of the tagged layers and select Group.

So that leaves me with my outline grouped together as my top layer, a large white square for now as layer 1 and my eyes. Time to start colouring in. I’ve used the steps outlined in the next tutorial to get my first colours ready, now to start filling her in.

At this stage I’ve just pasted some large primitive layers of her base skin colour behind my outline to fill in her face/ ear. I’ve chosen not to worry too much about keeping within the lines on the left part of the image as when I do her hair, I can effectively paint over the overspill and it’ll save me a few layers in the end. I’ve also painted in a couple of white circles over the base skin to fill in the eyes. I’ve then grouped each of these bits for ease of location as the design builds up.

I ended up changing the colour of most of that group to the darker base skin colour and then placing a couple of lighter skin tone primitives to create the shadow down one side of her face and along the chin line.

I’ve also started to paint bits of her dress - bit slow progress as I stop every now and again to do a forzathon live event or race. Good excuse for me to save progress (always a good idea as you go along just in case).

Here’s where she’s at presently.

Been adding some more to her dress, little bit more progress.

Changed the background square colour, so I could more easily see what I was doing, whilst painting the ribbons on her dress. I’ve also started to fill in her arm, I’ve gone with the darker skin tone first, then will stack layers of the lighter skin tone over the top. I think this will save me a few layers as I can use a few curved primitives (either circles or the ‘dog tooth’ shapes to get the shape of the shading right.

We’re getting somewhere now. Still a bit more of her dress to paint & then to tackle the hair. I must admit, my eyes aren’t what they used to be, so top tip - sit closer to the telly if you’re struggling to keep your paint within the lines!

Another little tip for helping to stay between the lines or spot when you have gone outside them, is to change up the colour of the background square she’s sat on. I did that and noticed a couple of areas that needed touching up. In this next picture I’ve started to fill her hair in, this section on the righthand side of the picture is in shadow and the colour is quite dark, not black but close enough to make filling in the outline a little tricky. So I’m just going to paint it a nice bright colour initially and then when I group those layers together, I will change the colour of them to what they should be (Press A on any vinyl group and you will have the option to change colour).

Just about done with the darker, shadowed areas of her hair;

Then finish off with the lighter sections & Job done.

Well job done on that layer group at any rate. Now just need to figure out what to do with it.

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Using the Colour Picker Website to get your colour codes to use in game.

Link to website;


I came across this site in PJ’s thread (stickied at the top of this section) about creating accurate logo’s. I’ve used it on a couple of projects now, when trying to find the accurate colours for a design. So may as well use it for this one. Which gives me an excuse to create another quickish tutorial on how I would use it.

The only drawback to the website I’ve come across is it’s inability to cope with large images. So it’s necessary to either scale down your source or as I’m going to do here, crop sections to get the colour codes I need.

So as my source images tend to be quite large, I would first load the source in to Paint - you may use a more expensive piece of software but Paint does the job.

Then using the select tool;

Select an area to crop to

If you right click over the selected area, you should see the option to crop and be left with something like this;

This should get me most of the colours I need but there are a couple of others I may need, so will take another crop lower down the image.

So on loading the website, it’s pretty self explanatory. Select the image you want and submit it to the website.

You should see something like this;

Once you have your image loaded, select the eyedropper tool and point at a section of you image you want the colour codes for. I’ve started with her flesh/ skin tone.

That’s given me the colour values to use in Forza. In this case 0.06, 0.40, 0.90. So now to replicate those codes in game. I’d start with a random shape and stamp it off to the side of my main image. I can then select that shape with A and choose change colour.

Because I want to enter my own colour values, I will press X for colour fine tune

Then use the values the website gave me to change the colour of this shape.

If I rinse and repeat this process, I can build a palette of colours, which I can place either at the top or the bottom of my design layers wise for easy access/ colour picking for the relevant part of the design I’m working on at present.

I can copy and paste the shape in game, which is the colour I need, then change the vinyl shape or stamp away as necessary.

Hopefully this makes sense and will come together with the next stage of the anime design tomorrow, when I start to colour her in.



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Just bumping this for anyone who may want to follow the latest Tutorial I’m posting. It’s a WIP (work in progress) - so will take a few days to finish. Please feel free to ask any questions and I will do my best to answer them.



well, I’m certainly very interested in seeing the next installment having stumbled onto you thread. Interesting technique - I would have never guessed you were using that many brackets.

My question -how large of a scale do you work with? For example - the image of the anime above - did you leave it at that scale while drawing her, or was it like twice as large as we see when you are putting the lines together then reduced scale my 50% to arrive at the image we see? One would think that kind of detail work would be extremely difficult at a reduced scale - I generally make complex images at least the size of the screen - sometimes even having to scroll left,right,up, down to work on the entire image.

Thanks for posting the bump - didn’t see it first time around. :slight_smile:


Thanks Bob - I used to zoom in a lot - these days I try to paint at that scale mainly because when I come to lay it on to a vehicle, experience tells me I’ll need to reduce that image in size to something like 0.12 of what it is now.

So if I can’t see an obvious issue at it’s current scale, when reduced in size to go on to the car, I definitely won’t be able to see it.

Understood - most of my graphics usually wind-up at 0.3 to the 0.6 range by the time it’s placed on the car. I don’t do a lot of fantasy paints, dealing mainly with fonts & layout graphics where the pixel alignment is critical… so I usually design graphics big. I can see where there would be a little more latitude with fantasy characters… and could actually enhance the overall effect (making it appear more like a hand-drawn work of art then a scanned image - something you excel at and why I’m so interested in your techniques).

Soooooooooooooo… much appreciate the incite - and patiently waiting your next post on anime creation. :slight_smile:


Brilliant work D!! Just read through your latest tut… you make it look so easy :+1:t5:

Just a thought, don’t you guys use the ‘ungroup/resize’ or ‘ungroup/cut/stamp/resize’ method? Not trying to teach grandma to suck eggs but I find it really helps as I get down to those low ranges - much prefer to start resizing from a value of 100 again.

Thanks Midnyte, it doesn’t always feel easy lol. Still takes a lot of time to get it somewhere near right.

That’s a good tip - one I have used before. Works great when you get down to those lower numbers and just need a little more control when scaling something.

On this occasion though, I was just saying if I can’t see an issue at the scale it is in the editor, when shrunk down to 10-12% of it’s original size to get it on the car, I won’t be able to see it at all then.

Bob - went to the pub after work tonight and honestly not sure I’m up to much painting just now.

However I have added another quick Tut on using the colour picker and how I might use it to set a palette of colours aside, ready and easily accessible for the next step in my Anime paint.

You may well already be familiar with it’s use - tomorrow I’ve got a pretty much free day. So should be able to crack on with the Spirited Away paint and tonight has, if nothing else got me some colours ready to go.




Spirited Away image completed;

Gotcha mate :+1:t5:

I still zoom a lot though, whether it’s a logo or a portrait and I’ve noticed I sit closer to the telly too, LoL!!! :nerd_face:

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Fantastic D - turned out lookin good sir. Going to have to try this one day in the near future - thanks for taking the time my friend.

MIDNYTE DUBH… actually, my resizing process is similar - if I can’ get it to the right size I’ll go one size larger - then just cut, paste twice, grab both layers and resize down from 100% to adjust (a little faster as it doesn’t involve un-grouping - and when I cut the duplicate layer… it’s perfect size for the other side of the car (potentially saving another step).


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I would never have thought of that in a million years, I’m still learning even after all this time - nice one Bob :smirk:

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Very nice details and work on the tutorials DM.!

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