Any design tutorials

As the title says anyone got any design tutorials they can post

im sure theres a few on youtube fella but even with tutorials it takes practice. to start keep it simple theres plenty of decent designers on here who im sure would give you some advice on the process of doing a design. my tip would be draw the design on paper first and use the grid method to get your basic design done hope it helps

(I’m no where near as an expert, but just trying to roughly explain things the i sort of understand.)

Like creating art and making a design in real life, you first need to be creative, and you need to understand the tools you’re using to execute your imagination. Like PapaDIDDYpop83 said, there’re lots of tutorials everywhere regarding designs, Forza related or not, they all helps in certain ways, teaches you basic rules on designing. But at the end you still need to use the “trial and error” method to learn them yourself, practice makes perfect, people can only teaches you so much.

The method i used is similar to the fellow above me said, I made templates of cars and throw ideas on it with painting software in PC, and then replicate and tweak the design in the game. I’m the type who’re not creative enough to just play with preset shapes in the game, I need a pencil (Tablet, to be precise) to do the thinking.

Since the layer counts limit is so much higher in FM5, there aren’t as much need on tricks to save layers and stuff, you can unleash your creativity freely!

Alright I’ll give that ago on the pc cheers for that lads.