I encountered a bug where purchased upgrades disappear under the following steps:
Demount purchased upgrades.
Go to the Test Track and install the purchased upgrades.
The upgrades installed at the Test Track are now missing.
Has anyone else experienced this issue?
Um, you chose to abandon setup and quit… Why would they save in that scenario?
I confirm this issue! @Van4746: Great find!
Let me explain it in my words: If you own any upgrade which you installed and paid for in the past, install it at the test track, quit the test track and select “Abandon Setup and Quit” - then you lose the upgrade permanently (until you pay for it again - either at your home or at the test track).
Side note for the devs: The total extra sum in “View History” is not affected. It is not going down when you lose it at the test track due to this issue. When you pay for it again, it is not going up either.
Playing on XSX.