Hey guys, so about a year ago I bought a new hardrive for my xbox and transferred all my stuff to the new hardrive, I’ve never had any issues with games until now. My forza 4 profile now says “tampered with” and will not let me start my game. I thought it was because of the transfer in a corrupted save but why would that happen a year later? Is there any way of fixing this? I have hundreds of designs that I do not want to lose. Help?
designs are saved separately from your game save file, as you see below with my forza 4 saves.
Is there a way to keep my cars and money or will I lose all that??
if you end up having to delete your Forza 4 game save yes all of your cars & money will be gone.
Be care full whatever you decide to do dude. Just don’t get banned. I’ve learned the hard way without it being me really with proof for them and all I get is a cold shoulder and being ignored
So whatever you do, think really long and hard about it lol