Years of Forza 4 gameplay lost - SERIOUSLY DEPRESSED

Yesterday I decided to play my old favorite, Forza 4, for the first time in around 4 months (I have been busy with Forza 5) and to my horror when I was prompted to chose my save data location the game loaded as if I were playing for the first time. I had spent hundreds of hours since year of release playing this game at all levels, I had six unicorn and vip cars along with over 300 cars in my garage, all with tunes created by myself. I have lost almost everything apart from some paints and some tunes.

Has anyone else had this issue? Can I expect it again?

I can find no Forza support option so if you work for support please reply.

Yours catastrophically gutted :0(

If that happened to me, people would be seeing a grown man cry. That is some serious suckage. Just don’t jump off of a cliff, hopefully you can still have some fun with 5. Too bad you can’t gift some cars from 5 to 4.

I lost my entire game save last fall in an Xbox Live error. Somehow, my tunes and some paint schemes made it through the savepocalypse.

Unfortunately, there’s not much anyone can do for you. Sorry to bear the bad news.

Since then, I’ve reaquired a lot of my cars, unicorns, and about eleven million in CR.

If you want to try and pick up the pieces and start again, message me on XBL. I’ll help get you started.

Lastly, a philanthropic group called Forza Recovery Service is on the forums here to help. Also, Johniwanna has been quite generously giving out unicorn cars by messaging him on Facebook.

Good luck, man.

this things happen sometimes. atleast it was just one game. on my old original 360 my harddrive went bad and i turned it on and found all my games and everything was gone…i was on disc 3 in final fantasy never finished it have not played it since. the thought of doing any of the forza motorsports single player almost makes me want to sell it. haha so i feel your pain.

same evrything went my tune setups are still on the on the storefront but i cant get them only change the name and quantity hopefully turn 10 can do somthing about it cause me and a mate lost all our cars and money

its the same with my forza loyalty cars never got them was fairly annoyed just hoping a moderator will help out

Wow… this happen to me before as well. It was FM3 though, anyway… I know how it feels, and gutted is a good description.

If IO can help friend me, I’ll send you any cars you’d like to help rebuild.

I need help I downloaded the v.i.p add on not long back and I was told that I will be receiving some unicorn cars or something and I haven’t had 1 car been gifted to me :frowning:

Hasn’t been one sent to VIPs in a very long time. You are very late to the party there.