I started FM6 up this morning, did some test drives of an Alfa 4C I bought, painted and modified, then I ran a couple of races and recorded the results. The Replays are almost unwatchable. They stutter and jerk all the way through. It’s as if about every other half second or so about a quarter second of the replay is dropped. The cars stutter along and the turns have a bang, bang affect. I played a couple of previously saved races in order to ascertain whether it was a recording or playback problem, and they run perfectly smoothly, so, the bug is definitely in the recording side. Is any one else seeing this problem?
OK. So if no one else is seeing this problem, what the heck is going on. It has become utterly pointless to even try and record a race, and again, races recorded prior to the update playback with no problems whatsoever. Am I going to get an answer here, or not?
I recorded 2 races last night, both at Monza with 9 cars in it. A 10 lap race and a 15 lap race.
The 10 lap race (about 20 minutes) recorded fine with NO issues.
The 15 (about 35 minutes) lap race recorded but upon viewing all cars are sitting at their grid positions and NOTHING. I hear the engines idling but race never gets going with cars just sitting at their grid positions. I tried fast forwarding but nothing happens.
FM6 had recording long replays with many drivers before; the recording would just fail.
So is the failure due to FM6 or XB1 update? To me, it is inconclusive.
Mind you, connectivity last night also was unreliable (maybe due to high update traffic?). Was it because of the actual update itself or high traffic? Inconclusive at this time.
I did notice that I saved a replay with crashers off and when the cars where driving threw each other they stutter and jerk like crashers were on. (except for me they ghosted when they were around me)