What’s the opinion on this one? At first I thought it was one of the best handling car in the game but then after awhile I realized it’s hard as hell to drive because it’s handling is so extreme that it oversteers and skids out on every corner I take. The tires as good as they might be can’t keep up. I tried to tune it out but didn’t make much a difference. Rollbars are 30,30 and I’m at 0 camber and 4 caster. I don’t even know if those are legit settings for any car but that’s what it came to.
took off both aero and seemed to help. Steering still too jerky
I would lower the rear ARB to ~18 and the front to ~27. Also from what I can tell is that the game’s stock setup for cars with a rear-heavy weight distribution tends to be too stiff on the rear springs. Thus, too much oversteer. Especially mid-corner onwards. Maybe lower them too. When using aero, give as much downforce as possible to the rear. Front aero as you like because too much results in very aggressive and direct turn-ins.
Alternatively post your specs here (weight, weight distribution, ARBs, PI, power and drivetrain) and I’ll see what I can do. It took me some time to get my S2 998 2019 GT3 RS correctly, the 2016 on S900 is way easier to tune.
Do you really talk about the 2019 GT3 RS or about the 2016 one?
The reason I ask this is that I can´t see a 2019 model in the game, only the 2016.
In Motorsport 7 the 2019 model was so extremely great to drive after a few tweaks ( nearly max. out rear ARB, slightly stiffer rear springs and set brake bias to 45% ) that I really looked forward to play it in Horizon 4…
I think I got it in the Forzathon shop. It’s not in the auto show.
Not sure what the major adjustment is but it’s leveled out ok now. I’m using flat camber and 5 caster with no aero, 20,20 RB and around 750 rear springs with the lowest ride height. Far different then the 16’ which has full aero and quite a bit of camber to handle roughly the same. This can take corners without massive oversteer. I’m testing at the windmill speed zone… and can hit 187 in S2 class with 16’. This one is a bit harder to hit the target at full throttle throughout but I hit a 189. Adding full aero slows it down quite a bit with marginal handling improvement. And I don’t know what I’m talking about anymore it’s all very confusing. If there’s one thing to take away from this is that the 19’ doesn’t need aero and can get by with far less alignment settings.
There are vehicles available “only” in the Forzathon Shop for either 130 or 300 Forzathon points.
You may also be able to purchase these through the Auction house but i don’t know for sure.