Poll: Community Choice Featured Multiplayer Series | Update 13

This topic and polling is for Featured Multiplayer series events only. Other features and car wishlisting should go in the Suggestions Hub.


A weather forecast or especially radar would be ideal for sure, but i dont see that being added anytime soon. The way weather in this game works, as soon as theres tire spray or vice versa when it stops spraying, you know its time to pit. These times being at random would not allow an exact strategy and thats the point.

Rain in real life doesnt always fall at the midpoint of a race like it does in forza. It would force decisions on the fly where even the faster players may make an unwise decision or hasty one leading to others who made the right choice taking the lead or winning the race.

It would turn out to be a case where strategic decisions could be made and have an actual effect, where as now they really arent.

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that’s the idea


But the thing is the game doesn’t allow any strategy right now. The game doesn’t tell you how many laps you can expect a set of tyres to last. The game doesn’t tell you if you can expect rain before the end of the race. You’re down to just guestimating and reacting blindly.

And I know this is a game and not reality, but in reality I can see on my phone if it’s going to rain within the hour with almost perfect accuracy. That a videogame isn’t able to tell anything but “variable” as a weather forecast for a race is just nuts to me.


Please make weather great again!


A post was merged into an existing topic: Race flags (visual info about track activity)

can i vote for drift lobbies

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Hello. Already voted for LMH & LMDh cars.

The current featured multiclass endurance races with the prototypes-H, lmp2s, and gt cars are literally perfect. It’s the closest thing to an imsa style race we have. If i could vote for that i would.


No muscle car series?


Should just implement the options of each category of division online permanently.
Early lmp has its own lobby.
Gtp/c gets its own lobby.
Proto-h has its own lobby.
And so on and so forth.

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I would give anything for drift lobbies to return.


I dont disagree with that. I think its ridiculous that there is no info before or during a race. Its possible that it was purposely done this way so things would be a suprise, but i doubt that. I dont believe turn 10 play other racing games to know what they implement, i dont even think they play this one too often tbh. I also dont know if theyre going to add any form of forecast even though they should.

So while i think they should have something, it could be a chance of rain percentage before the race, it could be a weather radar during the race or it could even be the useless information giving race engineer telling us rain is expected in 5 mins. But if they dont it is what it is, like i said for the most part the tire strategies are obvious after the first time, if you run practice laps you can also figure out roughly how long tires will last and the differences in lap time.

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Here’s the link to the Suggestions Hub for this issue. As you can see it was created in November 23, shortly after release. Silence so far from T10 about it. Worth voting if you haven’t already:


It’s currently the 5th most voted suggestion in Motorsport Features and highest in Gameplay with over 300 votes, so I’d expect to hear something regarding the topic by now…


I would prefer to vote for single player series, because I am not really interested in MP. But I would like trackdays on Nordschleife with just random MP traffic on the track doing laps without any competion and stuff.


individualistic people, as if the rest of the people do not exist. This is a multiplayer thread! There are many of us who ask that multiplayer be the best experience

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