I just watched the stream and great addition’s, New Ferraris coming and also the new Porsche coming next month wow, I really just came here to say thank you so much to the entire team for listening, caring and continue to work and support Forza Horizon 5, the new cars are fantastic old and new, and the continued bug fixers too, online additions and fixes etc etc thank you so much paly ground games.
I am sorry if I was ever frustrated or hard on the game when the game was buggy or things were not working. Also still excited for the first and second DLC expansions coming too.
Also as someone who just loves single player games i love how the world is filled with driveatars and traffic too thank you 
Thank you play ground games and forza horizon, and I answered the survey too and thank you for the communication on social media and from forza support too.
Please keep supporting, keep strong, and continue to listen and Thank You 
I basicly agree
however I dislike the fact cockpitview drivers and ffb-wheel users got ignored since launch
More Ferraris as we definitely have a shortage of them in game. 
May not have a shortage of Ferraris, but we do have a shortage of Italian cars.
We would need to have Alfa, Fiat and Lancia, if fact I would prefer them to a Ferrari overload.
Thank you for cleaning up the mess you made yourself and generally just doing the job you’re paid for.
Sorry OP but no just…no.
Thank you for fixing a non issue the extra 4 points everyone was getting every week for the monthly rivals, now go and fix something worthwhile.
Ain’t all the similar looking dodges Chevrolets and fords enough.
Yes, thank you PG for deciding to put the Ferrari TR that was in every single previous Horizon, back in the game… And making it arbitrarily exclusive so we can only have one until the next time you decide to make it available. Thanks so much PG.
What puzzles me about these so called exclusives is how some people seem to have more than 1 in fact several to sell in the AH for 20mil.
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The Ferraris lambos and McLaren I get to a certain extent but still think there are too many, but the so called muscle cars I just don’t see it. they just lack something in my opinion and are only slightly better when I have upgraded them.
But they never seem to be sold cheaply, and buying them at 20mil to sell at 20 mil will lose them money in the long run, maybe they obtain the money by nefarious means and its a way to launder it.
Well of course you are entitled to that opinion,
I’m not just on about looking better they drive better too with the right upgrades, like popping in AWD and engine swaps too.
Unfortunately for me I guess, I just don’t have the time to hang around in the AH 24/7.
No life some people or they have someone else funding their lifestyle for them.
Probably the most akward post I have seen here so far. How much did you get paid for praising the devs for doing the bare minimum ?!
I think it’s just Forza’s more accessible physics don’t lend themselves well to capturing the full character of a lot of cars, it’s superb at delivering the general feel but not much else.
Like the Quattro S1 in FH4 and rally preset Quattro in 5 are quick but pretty docile cars, in Dirt Rally 2.0 a more hardcore game the car is an absolute monster and you feel everything change once it’s turbo kicks in, I was shocked at the huge difference between it there and in FH.
In FH it ticks the boxes for giving you the broad experience (fast group B rally car from the 80’s) but DR gets everything else right on top of that to really show how powerful + difficult to drive the Quattro really was along with the other Group B cars.
All the little things that add up to make cars feel unique FH doesn’t really deliver which results in so many cars feeling alike, that’s not a dig at FH though when it never really intends to do that.
While maybe no shortage of Ferraris there were, up until know and to my knowledge, no Ferraris of the current model lineup in the game. And as a kid of the 80s who had a poster of a Testarossa above their bed, the comeback of that car gives me joy too, but that is more personal.
BMW, also no shortage of those, also misses a lot of new models.
This. Im still amazed about how many people are suddenly happy when they released again, new cars that dont matter at all, instead of working day and night on bugfixes and gameplay improvements. Im amazed, really. And when the devs do just a little thing here and there… ow. I wonder if people giving the devs thanks for almost nothing will do the same ten years ago when videogames were actually polished and well-made. lol. Its almost unrealistic.
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