Please make roads that are realistic. FH5 has far too many turns on the back roads and lacks realism due to unrealistic banking and incredibly flat paved roads, with only 1 airtime of significance. Roads need to flow but also need to be fast. FH5’s large map is convoluted in excessive turns on the back roads often turning for no reason killing the speed and thrill of it all. Just because it was made with a lot of turns doesn’t make it great, in fact it lacks thrills and chills. Hence these suggestions to make it better. Add fast rollers, bumps, dips, heaves, tabletop intersections, potholes, blind hills and railway crossings.
The entire map isn’t like that… Each section of the map has different style roads. It’s basically broken up into quadrants.
There’s paved small-town style back roads. Lots of side roads, sweeping turns, tight turns. Also dirt roads for rally.
Large town style which is like small town with more grid like areas but with some small town like roads and usually connected to a highway.
City style is almost entirely grid based. A pure form of this is the only one missing from horizon but that due to setting. There is a small section like this but id like more and an expanded highway system.
That’s why I really want horizon 7 to be set in Japan. You have the city, the highways and the small towns plus areas where every road is a rally stage.
I think that we have bigger roads and not so realistic in my opinion!! In one lane you can easily fit 2 cars , no bueno!, make roads narrower and more realistic please
While I agree with this, I suggest you all play the Rally Expansion. The paved roads there are really amazing to drive on with proper banking, sharp curves, undulations and jumps!
I hope these road innovations fully make their way on a large scale map into the next game.
I’m a businessman from Illinois I don’t care of the state I’m in when it comes to the Forza Horizon. I have a small and insignificant request but it will help a lot of non racing player for people like me who just drive around the map and drives dream cars. Please make more concrete driveways to nice homes that aren’t available for players that’s for people who know where I’m coming from we find a perfect house then it has a dirt driveway I think If you have maybe 4 million dollars worth of cars you wouldn’t own a house with a gravel driveway in risk of ruining the paint so in short, MAKE CONCRETE HOUSE DRIVEWAYS PLEASE.