And do you think anyone will by it for that price?
I do feel prices should be more flexible especially between 10 and 20 M. And yes I think +20M should be possible but I do doubt a lot of sales will take place at prices like that.
well no but you know . even 20M be good for buying moding cars good idea then
No one will buy it for 50 mil. You will have better luck selling it at a lower price.
I know some recently bought that Mercedes that was introduced just for the hack of it for 134M. When you have a certain amount of CR there’s just no real need for more in this game. CR spend on upgrades can be relatively easy won back by racing.
I really don’t see the point of buying car expensive anyway, but then I owned all cars pretty quickly.
True. And for buying eypensive ones,… it can come in handy to have some cars several times with different tunes, so you can change them on the fly.
Horizon Open is the main event where being able to switch cars fast can be of use (when switching to the next ‘championship’).
A number of cars that are not expensive seem to be great for HO, so it’s not necessarily needed to always buy expensive. I recall you to be one of the knowledgeable ones on the matter.
it wont let sell the car anyway so