please help for community success

hello, I need a little help for community success. you can play with my settings, delivered and view my pictures. thank you. and if anyone needs my help in return please.
My gamertag is : Nemesis 67

Nemesis, I viewed your pictures. I like the ‘Good luck Schumi’ pic. :slight_smile:
By ‘settings’ do you mean your car tunes? If so have you got any for the open wheelers such as Indy and F1, if not could you name a few cars because I think I have to be in the precise car that has you have made tunes for. Currently I’m in the Lotus e21 F1 car but when I search your name, it returns no results.

how you going guys, i can give you guys a hand with this if you are willing to do it for me
IGN oSPo II Clyde

i want to do it with you guys! and i have a question, can we sale a car in forza 5 or we can only put it out of our garage?

if you are asking whether you can sell the actual car similarly to the Auction House from previous titles, then no unfortunately you cant

I just created two settings for E21 lotus. You want a livery for your lotus?

I will go get your tunes. I don’t need a livery but thanks anyways Nemesis, I have a special livery on my E21 that I don’t want to part with.
Its Ayrton Senna’s 1994 #2 Rothmans Williams Renault FW 16 livery.
@all in the thread.
I’m not here to boost my community thingy, I just popped in to help out Nemesis because I seen his thread and no one had replied to him. Just wanted to help him out a bit. Hopefully you guys can help each other out.
Its a great feature in the game but I rather spend my time driving the cars. I don’t really delve into this side of the game, but its good for people who enjoy these features.
Peace and goodluck :slight_smile:

If you need help with a livery or a tune, make a post here with not just your gamertag, but add the specific car and file name (and state whether i is a tune or paint) to make it easier for people to find.

I will help out as well as needed, and I will post some tunes of my own once I have some free time to get on the console. :slight_smile:

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I need help too and will in turn do the same if the cars are listed with the description of the pictures, vinyls and tunes. All are under my GT, Big Papa REZ
Paints for the following cars: Renault Spark SRT_01E… Description: True Achievements
2015 Mustang GT… Big Papa REZ
1984 Civic CRX… no description
2013 Subaru BRZ x2 designs… In honor of my Daughter and one blank description
2000 Nissan Silvia Spec R… Honor my Son

Vinyl: True Achievements

Pictures: Big Papa REZ
trading paint
Eve’s dream

Any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks!

Il help you guys out by downloading your tunes, liverys and pictures il search for them inabit, any others needing help post below.

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Hi All,

I just need 3000 crédits more for the livery achievement. I’ve been trying with a friend, as I did previously for the lower level of the achievement, but now I only get message saying that my levry has been used but I don’t earn anymore credit. I’m pretty sure my friend played enough to get me decent credit. Anyone else having this issue ?

In any case, I have livery ready for : Audi A3 Sportback, Mini cooper, Maxima GTR, Audi R18, Honda Civic (and I think some other)
My GT: XOli360

I can do any other car you would need.
And I will help back if you ask me.

I hope you can help me, I’m so close to the end ! :slight_smile:

Thanks !

Hi Guys, All done now.
Just the california drifter achievement and I’ll be 100% :slight_smile:

I could use some help on the pictures and will do the same for everyone elses pics/tunes/liveries


I try to help a friend with these achievements, 15.000 & 30.000 in car tunes.
But, where do I have to play? Carreer, free race, rivals, multiplayer?

It’s strange, because I’ve raced in free race with his livery and his car tune, several sessions, at least 12/15 but his achievements are still locked.
