Please help!! FH4 keeps disconnecting to horizon life sessions every couple minutes!!

I can’t play online at all because my horizon life sessions disconnect every few minutes, I’ve tried a lot of forzathons and races but I can never finish them because of this.
I always get “horizon life session found” and it just says joining forever. I dont know if this is a problem with forza or xbox.

Please help, I’ve been trying to enjoy this game but playing solo isn’t anywhere near as fun as online.

  • On wifi connection/ with strong internet (I’ve checked and it’s not the internet that’s the issue)
  • My friends that play on the same platform have no problems even on wifi

Still looking for any solutions

This helped me a lot in forza horizon 3, check it out How to fix Forza Horizon 3 Online Session Connection Problem! (PC) - YouTube

i have same problem too. it’s take 3-5 minutes to joint online and disconnected after 10-20 second join online
my NAT is open and no problem with other online game