Please explain your argument for your assigned cluth button.

Hey folks, I have always used the LB button for clutch since an earlier verison of forza. Many people tell me that the A button is best because you can roll to shift up and shift down. I try this but often end up in the wrong gear. Is there a better button for clutch other then LB? I do not mess up on gears as often because LB is by itself. Let me know what you use for clutch on the controller and why. I am receptive. Sorry for any typos i am using my phone.

I know people say to roll shift… I find that mythical. all you need to do is remap it to the A button and hit the x/a or b/a at the same time. Don’t know why you would end up in wrong gears as you are still just using the x/b for your shifts.

A button

the a button is right next to the gear up/down button. Press them both at the same time for seamless changes.

i found LB to be very tricky especially when gearing down and braking and turning at the same time.

This every time, 100x easier and you can brake and down shift at the same time, like others have said I’m not sure what this roll shifting is, but if you lay your thumb across the clutch you can work both buttons instantaneously you don’t even have to think about it.

I completely agree with these two. I wont say its the best way just because some people are used to the LB button to shift. I personally cant do it very well and find the A button to work the best. Not sure what this rolling thing others talk about i just mash and gas.

If I can do it anyone can, mind you it took abit of practise but now it’s second nature,just have to learn to drive without any assists

The reason why I find it easier to map the clutch to the A button:

Hold your hands out in front of you as if you’re holding a controller.
Emulate braking by smoothly closing the middle finger on your left hand.
Now do the same again, but halfway emulate tapping the clutch with your index finger.

This seems to confuse my middle finger and would mess up my braking.

As others have already said, there isn’t really a reason to roll across the buttons, just mash the 2 buttons at the same time.

I use A button, it made most sense to me for the reasons stated. I did feell like my hand was a bit of a retarded claw when I first started doing it though. I dunno, I was just holding my hand at an unnatural weird angle or something.

I agree. I have been using my right thumb for shifting up and down. My first finger left hand for cluth and would slide that finger to braking when needed. Its hard to break years of this. I am trying the new method and hopefully will get use to it. Thanks guys for replies so far. I can land some top 100 to 200 times the old way somehow.

Been using LB since Forza 3. The downshifting/braking process is really not that difficult once you get a good feel for it. I tried switching to A before but it just felt very unnatural to me.

Well im the odd one of the bunch :smiley:

I run the thumbsticks as steering - left stick and throttle/brake - right stick. In turn this means to run clutch I have to use left trigger and gears LB and RB. See below:

I run this after many years of Gran Turismo and progressed straight to this setup. Over time I went from auto box to manual and then learnt clutch. I feel I have better throttle and braking as there is more degree of travel than the triggers. I can really notice it when going into a corner that I brake a lot harder and later than most. It works for me and whilst I rarely get out of C class I have a fair few top 100’s

Was funny when few fellow Forza fans came over to go down to Eurogamer and they had a go…they now think I am mad! :smiley: :smiley:

I used to run with that exact same setup on the GT games, it always worked a treat. The first time I used the original Xbox controller though, the triggers just felt more “natural”; been using the triggers for the throttle and brake since.

Im using a wheel for FM5, and I have the clutch set to “A”; which is also the same button I use on the controller. It is much easier to use on the controller though, but it is really a hindrance while drifting on the wheel. If I need to clutch kick, I have to look for where the clutch button is. I cant wait for the T3PA pedal set to be released, then I can use a pedal clutch while drifting; will be even better when the H shifter comes out for the TX also.

I use lb since forza 4 (auto in fm3 lol) never tried anything else and don’t seem to mind it and manage top 500s most of the time.but I’m always looking to go faster and the A button does sound and feel a lot better just will take some getting used to!
And totlxtc that’s some crazy setup :wink:

I used LB until half way through forza four and then I changed to A and I still use middle finger to brake im just as fast with both but the A buttons just easier

I’m right handed and it’s easier to use the A button. If there’s too much I got to do with my left hand my fingers spaz out.

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Changing gears with LB with the steering with the left stick, and braking with LT is simply overkill even for a lefty like me. It’s basically hand gymnastic.

Totlxtc what a setup haha!

I’ve ran manual w/clutch with LB clutch since FM3 but for some reason I’m just not that keen on the LB/RB buttons on the XB1 controller for the clutch and whatnot.

I do like the idea of the A button as the clutch actually, I will certainly give this a try next time I’m on FM5.

I’ve been using LB since Forza 4 and have stuck with it because I’m so used to it. Once you learn to brake with your middle finger and give a quick blip of the gas when you downshift it’s easy

i paralyzed a finger on my left hand os i cant use left shoulder. i moved shift to a so i could hit both buttons with the same thumb. then i moved y to look back to stop the accidental rewinds. not sure where rewind is now but its not where i accidentally hit it so it dosn’t matter. on my left i have two fingers to hold the controler, one for brakes, and the thumb to steer.

I started using clutch today for the 1st time (might be placebo but the car feels much more responsive) is it possible to map clutch to A & B? For some reason when shifting up i find myself hitting B & Y which sends me into rewind mode.

Also when i press the clutch the revs go off the scale is this right?