Please bring back the C Class Beginners Lobby

I miss racing my favorite class of cars in shorter races rather than the normal C Class lobby :slight_smile:

Thank you for your time.

Bring back “American Motorsport” hopper while you’re at it.

B Wald

Bring back the wish list too.

Bring back Forza aswell while your at it, instead of this imposter dressed as Forza thanks…


On 11/18/14 in NA, I will be very happy (so will my TX)!

On 21/11/14 in Europe, lots of sim racing gamers will be happy.

After those dates come, what’s FM5?

Says a lot about a game when they’re giving it away

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They aren’t giving it away, it is free to play this weekend only. If you want to keep playing after this weekend you have to buy it. No different than those free HBO weekends, give ppl a taste to try it and see if they like it enough to buy.

How dare they try to entice people to buy the game. Disgraceful!