Please add a FPS limiter 24-480 FPS slider into the display options

Please add a FPS Limiter 24-480 FPS slider into the display options

It must be freely adjustable. Or it could be these steps: 24, 30, 45, 50, 60, 72, 75, 85, 100, 120, 144, 165, 200, 240, 360, 480 probably forgotten some. But obviously a slider with that we can adjust it in 1 FPS steps would be much much better.

I am sick and tired of it, everytime i check out if the CPU multithreading is fixed after an update i have to turn off my FPS Limit in the Nvidia Control Panel. Then when i realize the CPU performance is still horrible, i have to close the game and set it back to 75. I would like to be able to limit it in the game itself. Please put a FPS Limit Slider somewhere into the display options.

Having an option is ALWAYS better than not having an option.

This option would be helpful for those who don’t want to go through Adrenaline or the Nvidia App.

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This would be so helpful.

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Why wouldn’t they implement it? Like what do they have to lose?

Agreed, I’m disappointed that the game doesn’t already have this. I don’t want to push my PC to its limit with the unlocked option just to have higher than 60fps. To add to this, it would great if the load screens were limited to 30-60fps no matter what like in FH5 or if we could manually set different framerate limits for the menus and actual gameplay. As is, the game runs at an unlocked framerate on the splash screens leading up to the title screen and puts my CPU usage at 100%.

100% utilization is no problem if the hardware works right and isn’t overclocked.

I turned off V-Sync completely and only run G-Sync and a FPS limit of 110 now and it works smooth as butter.