Play music unsnapped (Background Music)

Am I the only one desperate to listen to my own music while I am playing this game? Anyone found a workaround? Not to harp on Forza 6’s soundtrack, but I plan on racing in Forza 6 for hundreds of hours and would really like to listen to my own music without the “snapping” feature minimizing my screen. ESPECIALLY while tuning and painting!

Am I crazy? Tell me what you guys think…


I usually mute my mic and crank up my tunes on the stereo :slight_smile:

Yeah, I’d love it if I could stream music from my computer or a USB key.

The game music, while better than FM5, feels better suited to some fantasy adventure game, IMO. I toggled it off on day one.

Agreed, I tried using my stereo, just couldn’t get the volumes right, started missing shifts online and so I stopped trying

And yes! Why can’t we at least get a soundtrack like Forza 1-4??? #horizonexclusive ha

Let’s hope win 10 fixes this…background player on 360 was better then ones “snap”

FM2 had the best soundtrack but I still would rather listen to my own. It was great that you could play your own music on the 360 now with the One we have to snap an app? But that is the console no the game.