Pixelated water vapour/smoke?

Is it just my Xbox or are there large pixels at the bottom of water vapour and tire smoke in Forza 6? I don’t really mind it loads in actual gameplay, you usually spend more time watching the track than knit picking smoke…but it’s particularly noticeable in photos which is annoying. Does anyone else have this issue?

It’s “nit-picking”.

:wink: See what I did there?

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I’ve noticed that with the water spray. It’s a bit distracting at times.

Mmm sometimes the reflections tend to go very blocky and low resolution too. Either it’s a bug or possibly dynamic to aid performance.

I see this too, looks a bit like mpeg fragments

Most of this is done to keep performance consistent.

Has been the case ever since videogames started coming to a computer and console.

Its always been low quality especially the smoke.