[PC] TX 458 Racing Wheel not properly working

Hi Guys,
I dont think my wheel works anyway how it should.
There is no feel of the road, no counter steer, not even any response when hitting the curbs, the grass, traintracks or the comberstones in prag…

First i installed the thrustmaster drivers and updated to firmware v50.
The Inputs are all recognised in the control panel.

Force Feedback is at 100% and every other force too.
The last thing is set to “through the game”(default).

When I start Forza i have to press the on the wheel.
doesnt work.

Options → Controller → Input Options → Layout 36: Thrustmaster TX Ferrari 458 Italia.
I dont get the Xbox buttons on screen. = Advanced.
After some tries i can also press on the wheel.

Deadzones get reset after every game start, so i also have to change them every time to 0-100(except clutch and handbrake i let stay on default 0-999,999,99)
Then I tried some settings from the forum, but not much is changing. The only thing that has some impact is ‘Steering Linearity’.
Steering Linearity: 45 feels the least aweful.
Everything else doesnt seem to change anything.
I even tried everything set to the max.
I mean there are some forces, when i turn the wheel > 90 degree, but they are so minimal.
On Xbox360 I had the microsoft wireless wheel and that felt sooo much better in Forza4.
Now on Forza 7 its like a controller with a wheel…
I can drive and I know how the forza cars react at least a bit, but its really disappointing that there is hardly any feedback :frowning:
pS: Was fiddling around over an hour in free play with the Audi S1.

Is there any basic thing i forget to enable or do?

I mean this cant be the wheel support they mentioned before release :-/

I’m using the TMX Pro on pc and my settings are as follows

Vibration scale: 70
FFB scale: 100
Steering sens: 80
Steering Linearity: 50
FFB Understeer: 5
FFB minimum: 101
Wheel Damper Scale: 0
Center Spring Scale: 0

On the TM Control Panel I have overall forces set to 50% (haven’t fiddled with this much yet)

Hope this helps!

Ill try it again tomorrow.

Is it normal, that there is no feedback from th curbs? not even vibrating
I think thats an indicator, that there is something faulty on my setup.

I found the fault!! =D
Just plug the TX wheel in the USB2 port xD
Had it in the front usb3 and that makes trouble.

Now it works good :slight_smile: and i can fiddle around again.

@ el Veidi.

Question. Did you just bought the TX wheel?
You’re talking about not working on a 3.0 USB.

When I bought mine i had a faulty USB wire. When i got a new wire there where three threads i needed to solder where the old one had two solder points
Also had to buy a 360 controller brake away cable to make it work again.

Check the brake away cable you have that one and to be sure open the base.
When you ask thrustmaster they wil ask if you want to do it your self or send the base. No worries with warranty.
When contacting say some one on the forum advised you to look. I hope then they wont ask you to upload a video with a issue.

This will at least save you from not playing a couple of weeks.

Good luck.


Several wheels have issues with USB3, I have 4 wheels here and none of them work properly when plugged into USB3.

All of them work perfectly with USB2

@ HBR RoadHog

Checked mine just to be sure.
Mine works with 3.1 gen 1 port on a Mortar B350M.
Use a USB 3.0 extended cable for better access.
No problems.

Thanks Michel for the advice.
Fortunately it works now on the USB2 port.

The only thing that bothers me is, that the dont show the Xbox buttons in the interface, just keyboard keys.
Is there a fix for that?
At least it the Buttons on the wheel are working, but I always have to guess which Button is the right one.
If this is normal then I ask my self who is doing the quality control for wheel users xDD